June 25, 2008
Call to Order: 9:38am Adjourned: 10:17am
Roll Call: Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin
Commissioner John Wyatt
Staff Present: Rich McEachin, Exec Director
Terry Veitz, Admin Asst.
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Benavente requested that the Commission amend the agenda for the purposes of adding 2 items under Old Business. The first item being an update of the pump-out facility and second, discussion regarding the Hoodsport Trail Project. Commissioner Hamlin moved to amend the agenda as requested, Commissioner Wyatt made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Hamlin and Wyatt had no reports. Commissioner Benavente remarked on the EDC meeting he had attended. The County is looking for assistance from the State as to how they can increase their membership base, increase revenues. The Commissioner also related that the County Commissioners meeting was upcoming and since he would be unavailable to attend, hoped that one of the other Commissioners could.
Executive Directors Report:
Executive Director McEachin reported that the RFP for the Projects Feasibility Study was out and he had received about 8 responses. The Commissioners will no doubt have something further to discuss and give direction on sometime in August.
Executive Director McEachin further reported that he was continuing to work on getting the State Parks reimbursement issue completed. Commissioner Benavente mentioned that he had still not received the demographics information for Hoodsport, but will continue trying to get it.
Consent Agenda:
Minutes: Commissioner Wyatt moved to approve the June 11, 2008 meeting minutes, Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Vouchers: Commissioner Wyatt moved to approve Voucher 06-02, pages 1 & 2, Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Wyatt moved to approve the Payroll voucher in the amount of $3,104.62, Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Benavente related that the pump-out was nearly completed. The coin box has been received and he will check to see if the maintenance man can install it.
The Hoodsport Trail project is ongoing, but no phone calls have been returned from State
Parks. Executive Director will make additional calls to get some kind of action on this issue.
New Business:
Executive Director McEachin provided the Commissioners with the updated Commissioner Protocol Manual, which includes recommended changes requested. He also mentioned that the Tariff and Purchasing Manuals will be done separately and come before the Commission at a future date. Commissioner Hamlin moved to approve the Protocol Manual as presented, Commissioner Wyatt made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
The Commission discussed the use of .09 funds for the Belfair Water Project. Executive Director McEachin related the information regarding the funding qualifications. It was pointed out that with Rite-Aid coming to Belfair, the project does qualify for .09 funding. By consensus, the Commission agreed that the Executive Director should inquire to the County if the Belfair project will repay the .09 funds from development fees like what was accomplished in the Shelton reclamation project. If so, a letter of support for the Belfair project will be written and sent.
Executive Session:
At 10:05am, Commissioner Wyatt moved to go into Executive Session to discuss real estate matters, 2nd was made by Commissioner Hamlin, passed unanimously. Commissioner Benavente said they would be in session for approximately 10 minutes.
At 10:15am, Commissioner Wyatt moved to return to the regular meeting, 2nd was made by Commissioner Hamlin, passed unanimously.
Regular Meeting:
Commissioner Hamlin moved to have the Executive Director proceed as discussed, 2nd was made by Commissioner Wyatt, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hamlin moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:17am. Commissioner Wyatt made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Minutes Approved: June 25, 2008
_____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Commissioner Benavente Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt