May 28, 2008
Call to Order: 5:04pm Adjourned: 6:24pm
Roll Call: Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin
Commissioner John Wyatt
Staff Present: Exec Director Rich McEachin
Admin. Asst. Terry Veitz
Approval of Agenda:
Exec. Director McEachin asked that the Commission omit the Resolution in item 2 under Old Business due to receiving 2 bids on the old docks. Commissioner Wyatt moved to omit the Resolution as requested, leaving the discussion portion on the agenda. Commissioner Hamlin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Public Communication:
Citizen Dick Patterson was in attendance, but had no comments.
Commissioners Reports:
Commissioner Benavente mentioned he and Exec. Director McEachin attended a meeting with the EDC and discussed zoning requirements and the need to prioritize. They also met with CTED about possible grants. The Commissioner also reported that the pump out has been completed and a request for reimbursement from the State is in progress.
Commissioner Wyatt mentioned that the next WRIA-16 meeting will be held on June 5th.
Commissioner Hamlin had no report.
Executive Director Report:
Exec. Director McEachin reported that the accountant has noted that as of March 31st we should be 25% spent, but we are only 22% spent, which is 3% under budget and we are in good shape. Exec. Director McEachin contacted the Dept of Transportation to request question mark signage on Hwy 101 for the Visitor Information Center. He also contacted the Director of Mason County Transit regarding a possible Park & Ride and/or Transfer Station in Hoodsport. Exec. Director McEachin further reported on derelict vessels. The County Ordinance implies that any vessel that is parked over 1 hour from the maximum allowed time is in violation. Exec. Director McEachin is going to contact the Sheriff to see what that departments actions might be regarding violations. Exec. Director McEachin mentioned the meeting with EDC and CTED and CTED is looking into grants for a feasibility study regarding a possible pier North of the docks and the Hood Canal diving program.
Consent Agenda:
Commissioner Wyatt moved and Commissioner Hamlin seconded the approval of the minutes from the May 14th regular meeting and the May 20th Retreat. It passed unanimously.
Commissioner Wyatt moved and Commissioner Hamlin seconded the approval of vouchers 05-2, as presented. It passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Partners/Committee Assignments:
There was discussion by the Commission regarding the numerous committees and the amount budgeted for per diem to attend them. Commissioner Benavente related the importance of prioritizing what meetings they would attend and how often. There was a consensus that the Commissioners would attend as follows:
Commissioner Benavente: PRTPO, EDC, County Parks Board and HCDOP.
Commissioner Hamlin: Lake Cushman Board. As the agendas may warrant, he will alternate with the other Commissioner to attend PUD, County Commission and Planning Commission.
Commissioner Wyatt: Kiwanis/Lilliwaup Com Club & Colony Surf as gratis meetings. WRIA-16 will be paid attendance. He will alternate with the other Commissioners to attend PUD, County Commission and Planning Commission as agendas may warrant.
It was further noted that a letter will be sent to Hood Canal Co-ordinating Council to ask what participation level they would like to see from the Commission. The Commissioners will rotate attendance at the EAB meetings, having only one Commissioner present at any meeting. Exec. Director McEachin will attend the HCIC meetings. He will also review their Charter for the make-up of that group.
Disposition of Docks:
Exec. Director McEachin reported that he had received 2 bids to purchase the old docks and per the bid process would open them both. One bid was from Mark Machacek for $500.00 and the other was from David Beers for $502.00. There was discussion by the Commissioners regarding the bids and it was noted the highest bid must be considered.
There was concern about prompt payment and prompt removal of the docks. Commissioner Wyatt moved and Commissioner Hamlin seconded the motion to approve the bid of $502.00 for the old docks. There was further discussion and both Commissioners rescinded their prior motion and second. Commissioner Wyatt made a new motion to accept the bid for $502.00, a notice to the bidder will be by phone and letter, with the conditions of full payment within 24 hours of the phone notice and removal of the docks no later than 7 working days after the phone notice. Commissioner Hamlin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
New Business:
New Brochure:
Exec. Director McEachin presented the Commission with an amended and updated brochure for the Port. It was noted that Commissioner Hamlin would get his information to the Exec. Director for use in the brochure. It was also suggested that the brochures be printed on colored paper with black ink lettering to keep the cost down. It was also noted that the Admin Asst email would be changed to reflect the port mail, not her business address.
Letter to Fish and Wildlife:
Exec Director McEachin prepared a letter to Fish and Wildlife regarding Shrimp and Crap seasons. It was noted that other entities should also receive the letter, such as CTED, EDC and the Chambers. A typo was also noted and asked to corrected. Commissioner Wyatt moved and Commissioner Hamlin seconded the motion to approve the letter with amendment of one word. It passed unanimously.
The Commission, by consensus, asked the Exec. Director to include discussion about Port Meeting start times on the June 11, 2008 agenda.
Commissioner Wyatt moved and Commissioner Hamlin seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:24pm. It passed unanimously.
Minutes Approved: June 11, 2008
_____________________ _____________________ ____________________
Commissioner Benavente Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt