2008, 04 23

Date Published: July 21, 2012



April 23, 2008


Call to order:   5:02 p.m.                                                          Adjourned:   6:10 p.m.


Roll Call:        Commissioner Frank Benavente

Commissioner Jack Hamlin

Commissioner John Wyatt

Administrative Assistant Tiffany Clowes

Exec Director Rich McEachin



Approval of Meeting Agenda


It was noted that the agenda needed to move to the New Business area prior to the approval of Vouchers since there isan action of a contract in new business that affected the Vouchers. Commissioner John Wyatt made the motion to approve the agenda with the change. The motion was  seconded by Commissioner Hamlin.  Item passed unanimously.


Commissioners Reports


Commissioner Wyatt spoke about the WIRA 16 DIP priorities and noted that the final version should soon be published with project priorities identified. He also spoke regarding the University of Washington PRISM DVD titled “Imperiled Waters: A Community to the Rescue.”

Commissioner Hamlin had no report.

Commissioner Benavente had not report.


Executive Directors Report


The director, Mr. McEachin stated that there is a retreat scheduled for May 20, 2008 at 9:00 AM at the Harmony Hill Retreat Center. He also stated that he had submitted a grant to the State of Washington Recreation and Conservation Agency for a restroom facility at the Port’s dock. Mr. McEachin said that he received a memo from the State of Washington, stating that our Comp Plan needed updated prior to receiving the grant. There was much discussion that the plan has been updated and there were feelings that the State either didn’t have it or isn’t reading it correctly. Rich will contact the State to clarify what they want. The grant request is in the amount of $78,000 and is for environmental, design, and engineering for a restroom on Port property. He also stated he has started the Commissioners Protocol manual and wanted to know when it should be addressed by Commission. It was suggested to do so at the retreat. He questioned who takes care of the Web Page as it is out of date and needs updated. He received the needed info to update the page.


New Business


Director McEachin introduced a contract from Harmony Hill Retreat Center at a total cost of $445.00 for a retreat to discuss matter of the Port.

Commissioner Hamlin made the motion to approve the contract and allow the Director to sign same. Commissioner Wyatt 2nd the motion. There was discussion raised by Commissioner Wyatt that this motion only affected this contract. It was pointed out that it only affected this contract and any future contract would come to the Commission for approval. Motion passed unanimously.


Consent Agenda



Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the minutes from April 9, 2008: Seconded by Commissioner Hamlin: Passed unanimously.



Commissioner Wyatt requested to remove the Bug Busters invoice as it does not have anything to do with the Port. Commissioner Benavente suggested that the voucher for the dock replacement not be paid until the job is completed and to leave the check at the County until that time.


Commissioner Benavente questioned the Administrative Assistant regarding an entry for her pay about a meeting she didn’t attend. It was explained she just copies her journal of each day into her pay voucher and since she was here the day of the meeting she referenced it.


Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the vouchers with the amendments; seconded by Commissioner Hamlin; passed unanimously.




Old Commission Business


Commissioner Benavente updated the Commission regarding the new docks and pump out station. The entire project should be completed by the first week in May 2008.




Executive Session


Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to go out of regular session and       move into Executive Session; seconded by Commissioner Hamlin.


Commissioner Benavente called for Executive Session at 5:44 PM and stated it would last 10 minutes and that there may be Commission action after the session.


Back in Session

The motion was made by Commissioner Wyatt to move back into regular session at 5:50 PM; seconded by Commissioner Hamlin; Commission back in regular session at 5:50 PM.


The motion was made by Commissioner Wyatt to terminate the contract with Administrative Assistant Clowes effective immediately for non-performance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hamlin. The measure passed unanimously.



Administrative Assistant Clowes was called back into the meeting. There was much discussion about her abilities and that the Commission felt that it was appropriate to terminate her contract with the Port for non- performance of duties. Clowes protested stating that she wanted the remaining of her 90 days pay since the contract stated she would be evaluated in 90 days. It was pointed out to Clowes that the 90 day item was for an evaluation to move her up in hourly wage – not an avenue for keeping someone on that cannot do the job. Commissioner Benavente stated it was proper to give Clowes a chance to terminate her contract with the Port and not have to have the Port terminate the contract. Clowes stated she felt the Port was doing something illegal and refused to terminate the contract. Commissioner Benavente stated that she had a choice of terminating her contract and if she didn’t want to do so the Port would terminate her contract. Clowes refused to terminate the contract and was told that her contract was terminated effective immediately by Commissioner Benavente. She turned over her keys and left the building.






The regular Commission Meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM




Minutes Approved 5/14/08: