minutes from the regular meeting
of the Port of Hoodsport Commission
January 23, 2008
Call to order: 5:20 p.m. Adjourned: 7:05 p.m.
Roll Call: Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin is absent
Commissioner Tom Young
Cindy Adams, Administrative Assistant
Introduction of Guests:
No Guest Present
Key discussion points were:
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Benavente made a motion to “Approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on January 9 2007 as presented.” The motion was approved unanimously.
Approval of Vouchers
Commissioner Benavente made a motion to “Approve voucher number 1-4 as presented on the voucher cover sheet dated 1/23/08 for a total of $782.50. The motion was approved unanimously.
Agenda Changes
Public – Open Items: Presentation by Northern Economics has been canceled.
Action Items: Executive Director job description for review and approval.
Open Items
Action Items
Finalization of 2008 Commissioners’ Responsibilities
Commissioner Young stated that the approved 2006 Commissioners Protocol Manual established the following three commissioner positions: Chair, Vice Chair and Capitol Facilities. The duties of each position are as follows:
The Protocol Manual states that at the beginning of each calendar year the positions shall rotate to allow each Commissioner an opportunity to be familiarized with the duties associated with each position. For example, Position #1 to #2, Position #2 to #3, Position #3 to #1. In 2006 this rotation was waived because one of the Commissioners was not comfortable with the responsibilities.
Commissioner Young would like to know what direction we should go with the Protocol Manual and the redirecting of responsibilities. He recalls that when the 2006 responsibility rotation was waived that it was agreed that the rotation would be revisited when the new commissioner was in office.
If the Protocol Manual is followed, the responsibility rotation for the 2008 calendar year would be as follows:
Commissioner #1 (Jack Hamlin) – Chair
Commissioner #2 (Tom Young) – Capitol Facilities/Recorder
Commissioner #3 (Frank Benavente) – Vice Chair
Commissioner Benavente made the recommendation that based on the position of the new commissioner and the fact that there are a lot of outstanding issues; he feels that the rotation should be waived for 2008 and that the Commissioners should continue doing their current duties.
Commissioner Young asked if Commissioner Benavente’s recommendation is a motion.
Commission Benavente stated so moved.
Commissioner Young asked for a second to the motion to keep the Commissioner Responsibilities status quo for 2008.
Having no second, Commissioner Young made the motion to move this item to the next Commission Agenda for February 13th, with the recommendation made for approval of the action item.
There was no second on this motion. No action was taken at this time.
2008 Delegated Authority
Commissioner Young noted that the 2008 Delegated Authority is for internal record keeping and establishes the authority that each position has. The Delegated Authority is updated annually.
Commissioner Benavente made a motion to approve the 2008 Delegated Authority as submitted. The motion was approved unanimously.
Commissioner Benavente presented a breakdown of the costs associated with the Pumpout project. The breakdown included the projected 10 year O&M of $13,100.00. This amount includes the estimated electrical and pumping costs. There is also an increase of $800 in the cost of the pump. After reviewing the new updated costs for equipment and O&M, it was determined that an additional $15,000 in grant money is needed.
Commissioner Young made a motion to request an additional $15,000 be added to the existing grant from the State Parks and Recreation Commission for the 10 year O&M and equipment costs. The motion was approved unanimously.
Commissioner Young made a motion to send a letter to the State Parks and Recreation Commission requesting an extension of the existing grant for the Pumpout project due to permit and construction delays. The motion was approved unanimously.
Additional permits will be needed for the tank installation and electrical work. The cost for the septic tank permit is $110.00 and the electrical permit is $46.00. The grant covers up to $2000 in permits. The total money needed for permits is $1616.00 so no additional money for permits is needed at this time.
Commissioner Young made a motion to approve the expenditure of $110.00 for the septic permit and $46.00 for the electrical permit. The motion was approved unanimously.
Commissioner Benavente noted that there is a restriction on the Hydraulic Permit which states that work below the ordinary high water line shall not occur from February 15 through July 14 of any year for the protection of migrating juvenile salmonids.
Dock Repair
Commissioner Benavente gave an update on the condition of the dock facility. He stated that he noticed the dock making strange movements and when he investigated he noticed that the north end piling is coming apart. He feels that the derelict vessel may be to blame for the damage due to the fact that the front end of the boat is tied to that area. It also appears that the tie line at the front of the boat has already snapped once and reattached which indicated a lot of stress on the line which in turn is stress on the dock.
Commissioner Benavente also noted that the roller action area on the dock is showing more damage to the wood underneath. There are several sections of 2×6 that will eventually need to be replaced. Also finger #2 appears to be disconnecting.
Commissioner Young asked if prior to sending the certified letter to the owner of the vessel, did anybody from the Commission personally discuss the issue of tying up the boat to the Port dock. Commissioner Benavente stated he did not talk to the owner. Commissioner Young questioned Commissioner Benavente why he would have stated the owner refused to move the vessel (which resulted in sending a certified letter) when he had never talked to the owner prior. Commissioner Benavente stated that the rules are clearly posted at the dock and nobody should have to talk with the owner. Commissioner Benavente feels that the letter should have been sufficient in notifying the vessel owner and that the vessel should have been moved by now.
Commissioner Young stated that out of professional courtesy to the vessel owner and as a professional agency, the owner should have been contacted directly prior to sending the certified letter. Commissioner Young would like the owner of the derelict vessel to be contacted directly and made aware of what is happening with the damage of the dock and see if a solution to the issue can be reached prior to taking further legal action.
Commissioner Young asked Commission Benavente if he had any recommendations on what should be done in regards to the repairs.
Commissioner Benavente said it could be as simple as contacting someone to look at the dock or could make it a whole project to go out to bid, but he doesn’t really have a recommendation at this time. The damage could be bad enough that it should be dealt with immediately or it could wait he doesn’t know for sure.
Commissioner Young asked Commissioner Benavente to have recommendations prepared for discussion at the next meeting.
Commissioner Young asked Cindy to contact Mason County and obtain a copy of their Small Works Roster to see if there are any contractors on the list who does marine type work. Commissioner Young asked Cindy to forward the names to Commissioner Benavente so he can contact the appropriate contractors to come look at the dock.
Executive Director Job Description
Commissioner Young had sent out for review the draft Executive Director job description.
Commissioner Young made the motion to approve the Executive Director job description and authorize the Port to advertise for the new position. The motion was approved unanimously.
Commissioner Young asked Cindy to place the announcement on our website, in the local newspaper and also send it to WPPA to be place on their website.
Discussion Items
Derelict Vessel
Commissioner Benavente stated that the derelict vessel issues have been turned over to Commissioner Hamlin.
Commissioner Young noted that due to family issues, Commissioner Hamlin has not been able to pursue the matter but should be able to work on it next week.
Commissioner Benavente is not sure what the problem is with the removal of the vessel. The vessel is there illegally. The owner has not being paying moorage fees; the boat is over the length limit. Commissioner Benavente stated that he dropped the issue because the vessel owner said he was going to be moving the boat.
Commissioner Hamlin was going to contact the Port’s attorney and also the Sheriff’s office to see what the next step would be. The Sheriff’s office may be able to ticket the vessel for having no registration.
Commissioner Young feels that the vessels owner needs to be contacted directly to inform him of the damage being done to the dock. The owner needs to be aware that they may be responsible for any damage done to the dock. The owner has left several messages on the phone and nobody has returned his call.
Emergency Services
No update.
Office Procedures Manual
Cindy Adams presented a draft copy of the Office Procedures Manual she is developing prior to her departure on February 8th. The manual includes topics such as passwords, contacts, commission meetings, voucher processing, and Quickbooks. The intent of the manual is to help in the transition between office staff. Ms. Adams will also be working on a list of current files located in the Port filing system.
Commissioner Young had a minor change under the vouchers section. Item 1 needs to be changed to read that a quorum is required to pay vouchers.
Public Development Authority
Commissioner Benavente had a brief discussion with the head of the PDA and the fact that the PDA and the Port still have outstanding issues that need to be addressed. Commissioner Benavente said that the PDA isn’t really moving forward since the passing of Dennis Craig, and hasn’t been officially operating for a while. The PDA will need to meet and discuss what the future of the group will be.
Individual Commissioners’ Reports
Commissioner Benavente gave an update on the Foothills Park project. The County and the Port of Hoodsport is sponsoring a public workshop on February 20 at 6:00 pm to review concept plans for the future improvement of the park. The basketball court is done.
Commissioner Young announced that he will be resigning as Commissioner of the Port of Hoodsport. He will be submitting is letter of resignation within the week.
There have been no moorage fees since the last meeting.
The following miscellaneous correspondence was received:
Board of Mason County Commissioners – Request comments on funding request from the Rural County Use Tax Fund by January 30th.
Mason County Auditor’s Office – Copy of 2008 Budget. Letter also indicated that the County will no longer be mailing out warrants after processing. The warrants will be available the Friday after processing.
Washington State Treasurer Government Investment Pool.
Agenda for the February 13, 2008 meeting
Open Items:
Action Items:
Finalization of 2008 Commissioners’ Responsibilities
Process discussion of filling Position #2
Derelict Vessel
Dock Repair Recommendations
Public Development Authority
Discussion Items:
Foothills Park Public Meeting
Pumpout Project
Individual Commissioner Reports
Executive Session
· Pumpout Bid Proposals
· Personnel Discussion
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 6:47 p.m.
Motion to adjourn Executive Session and reopen the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Young stated that during the Executive Session the Commissioner reviewed the bid received for the Pumpout Project. After discussion, the Commissioners made the decision to award the Pumpout bid to Huston Excavating, LLC for a total bid amount of $54,112.10.
Commissioner Young made the motion to award the Marine Pumpout bid to Huston Excavating, LLC for a total bid amount of $54,112.10. The motion was approved unanimously.
Commissioner Young asked Cindy Adams to contact the successful bidder and arrange a construction date based on the contractors schedule and also in compliance with the permit requirements.
Commissioner Young made the motion to advertise for the contract Administrative Assistant position. The position will be open until filled. The motion was approved unanimously.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Thomas Young, Chairman Frank Benavente, Commissioner Jack Hamlin, Commission