minutes from the regular meeting
of the Port of Hoodsport Commission
January 9, 2008
Call to order: 9:46 a.m. Adjourned: 10:35 a.m.
Roll Call: Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin
Commissioner Tom Young is excused
Cindy Adams, Administrative Assistant
Introduction of Guests:
No Guest Present
Key discussion points were:
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Benavente made a motion to “Approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on December 12, 2007 as presented.” The motion was approved unanimously.
Approval of Vouchers
Commissioner Benavente made a motion to “Approve voucher number 1-2 as presented on the voucher cover sheet dated 1/09/08 for a total of $2,524.47 and quarterly Commission payroll voucher for a total of $4,050.00. The motion was approved unanimously.
Agenda Changes
Move the following items to the next business meeting agenda:
Finalization of the 2008 Commissioners’ Responsibilities
Delegated Authority – Approval
Emergency Services
Public Development Authority
Open Items
Action Items
Commissioner Benavente stated that he has picked up the approved Shoreline Permit from Mason County. The permit will need to be posted once construction begins.
Commissioner Benavente asked Cindy Adams to draft a letter to the State Parks and Recreation Commission requesting additional grant money to complete the project. Once the additional grant money is approved the equipment can be ordered.
Dock Repair
No update at this time.
Business Credit Card
Cindy Adams presented the completed credit card application to the Commission along with the credit card specifics.
Commissioner Benavente made the motion to approve the credit card application as presented and to authorize the Commission Chair to sign. The motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion Items
Derelict Vessel
Commissioner Benavente gave an update on the derelict vessel that has been tied to the Port’s dock for over a month. The owner of the vessel was sent a certificate letter which was signed for on December 12th.
The letter states the following:
In accordance with RCW 79.100.010 the failure to remove your Vessel could result in the Port of Hoodsport, acting as an authorized public entity with the authority granted in the RCW, taking custody of the Vessel.
Once we take custody of the Vessel, we are authorized to use or dispose of it in any appropriate and environmental sound manner without further notice to the owner, and the owner may be liable for all cost, but not limited to, cost incurred exercising the authority granted in RCW 79.100.030, all administrative cost incurred by the authorized public entity during the procedure set forth in RCW79.100.040, removal and disposal costs, and cost associated with damages directly or indirectly caused by the Vessel.
The owner of the vessel has contacted the Port on three separate occasions by leaving a message. The most resent message indicated that he needs to have someone come in and dive down to install another buoy for the vessel. He stated that he had lost the original buoy in the resent storm.
Commissioner Benavente would like Commissioner Hamlin to take over the process of the derelict vessel removal. It was suggested that the Port’s attorney be contacted to seek any legal council that may be necessary. There are also issues of storing the boat if it is removed. It may be a possibility that the Sheriff’s Office could assist in removal. Commissioner Hamlin will be checking in to all these issues.
Individual Commissioners’ Reports
Commissioner Hamlin will be working on the derelict vessel issue.
Commissioner Benavente stated he will be attending the following upcoming meetings:
EDC Board Meeting and RTPO on the 10th
Parks meeting on the 15th
EDC Luncheon on the 11th
WRIA last week
Commissioner Benavente has received confirmation from the consulting firm Northern Economics, Inc. that they will be attending the January 23rd meeting to discuss the Port’s Master Plan.
There has been $10.00 in moorage fees since the last meeting.
The following miscellaneous correspondence was received:
Port of Vancouver Correspondence
Law Seminars International –
Real Estate Purchases & Sales
Marine Shoreline Development & Permitting
Land Use in Southwester Washington
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office 2008 Grants Workshop
Mason County Auditor – Statement of Special Purpose District
Public Disclosure Commission
Washington Governmental Entity Pool – Liability Exposure Questionnaire
Agenda for the January 23, 2008 meeting
Open Items:
Action Items:
2008 Delegated Authority Approval
Finalization Commissioner Responsibilities – 2008
Dock Repair
Discussion Items:
Derelict Vessels
Emergency Services
Public Development Authority
Individual Commissioner Reports
Executive Session
No executive session was needed.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.
Thomas Young, Chairman Frank Benavente, Commissioner Jack Hamlin, Commissioner