October 7, 2015 Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:35am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil – Commission chair
Commissioner O’ Laughlin –excused absence
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Saundra & Gordon Carscaden – Lake Cushman Residents(Were unable to attend)
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the October 7, 2015 meeting agenda Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Traffic Safety meeting minutes of September 8, 2015 and the Regular Port commission minutes of September 9, 2015. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the following Vouchers for payment. September 2015 2 of 2 totaling $7,486.00 and October 1 of 1 totaling $17,423.80 Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Saundra & Gordon Carscaden were unable to attend today’s meeting.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Brazil received a Thank you note from the Lake Cushman Cart Path committee who recently held a cart path fundraiser in which the Port was represented by Commissioner Brazil on behalf of the Port of Hoodsport. Commissioner Brazil was asked by the Kiwanis if they could zip tie a banner to the railing at the waterfront park for a fundraiser to benefit the Veterans, he said no problem.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne reported that the reinforcement of the six boat slips at the Marina dock has been completed and we are waiting for information on neoprene sleeves and new shackles that hold up the sliding plank before repairs continue. Flower baskets will be removed before the first frost, drip system water lines and water lines to the dock will be drained before the first frost in preparation for winter. B. Osborne said some of the current hanging flower basket holders will be nearing the end of their usefulness and suggests putting 4 wire basket hangars in the 2016 budget. B. Osborne will help the Kiwanis with decorating the tree at the park for the Tree Lighting Ceremony.Public Restrooms: B. Osborne and Commissioner Brazil have both received compliments for the Port’s public restroom facilities. Usage of the restroom facilities have slowed down considerably from the summertime crowds. Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne is building the driveway barriers with enough room for someone to pull off the street to be able to safely access the cable to enter on both sides of State Rt 119 at the Hoodsport trail park, someone is still doing donuts on the freshly compacted gravel. B. Osborne is installing the sign posts at the new parking area and will hang the temporary Future Disc Golf sign when it’s completed. The Kiwanis asked B. Osborne if they could have the extra soil from the annual truckload used to plant flowers in the spring so that they can use it for their plant sale in which proceeds go towards school supplies. Commissioners Brazil and Petz both agreed that if the soil was leftover, they can certainly have it.
Port Operations Manager Report: The temporary sign stating ‘Future Championship Disc Golf course’ is completed and is ready for B. Osborne to install. K. Wyatt received an update from Morgan Rothrock, President of the Shelton Disc Golf Association on work being done at the trail park by the disc golf volunteer committee. They are laying out the design for the disc golf course and have three work parties scheduled in October. They expect to be placing a couple of disc golf Baskets around the trail park for some regular disc golf play testing and will begin conversation about best placement of baskets and signage. The ‘Fall newsletter’ was completed and submitted to the lake Cushman newsletter administrator, is available on the Port’s website, posted at the local library and on the Port office windows. K. Wyatt had conversation with Steve Bennett WSDOT regarding the letter that states the actions that were agreed upon during the Traffic Safety meeting. The letter will go to Steve Kim, WSDOT with a copy being submitted to the County Commissioner and State Senator Tim Sheldon. County Commissioner Terri Jeffreys who attended the Traffic Safety meeting sent the Port Commission a thank you letter for organizing the meeting between the business owners, public and Washington State Department of Transportation stating she thought it was a productive meeting which promised to yield results. A year to date overview of expenses was reviewed with discussion to provide actual and projected expenses in order to arrive at the 2016 budget. A budget workshop meeting has been scheduled for November 4, 2015 to finalize numbers once the County tax levy information is received. A Budget hearing is scheduled for November 11, 2015 in which the public may be present to review the 2016 final budget.
Budget: Port of Hoodsport August 2015 Financial statement was reviewed. The ending Cash Balance $103,412.16 The ending Investment balance $226,952.17
Old Business: It has been determined that Disc Golf is permitted within the guidelines and parameters of the WA State Parks Program of Utilization designed for the Hoodsport Trail Park as part of what is regarded as the highest & best use for public enjoyment at the Hoodsport Trail Park. Disc Golf is a popular sport with low impact on the environment would not impact current usage of the trail park and will create additional hiking opportunities. This sport will bring tourism, local jobs and revenue to the Hoodsport area.
New Business: None
Next Meeting: A Budget workshop meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 4, 2016 at 9am. Next Regular Port Commission meeting is Wednesday November 11, 2015 at 9am.
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.
2015 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Wednesday’s at 9a.m.
November 11, December 9
Budget Workshop Meeting Wednesday November 4, 2015 @ 9am
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil