2011, 10 11

Date Published: November 15, 2011




October 11, 2011


Call to Order:   9:14am                                                                  Adjourned: 10:30am


Roll Call:                                Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                Commissioner Brazil

                                                Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                         Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                               Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                    Linda Woytowich – Woytowich Designs

                                                Coffee provided by ‘Caffeina’s Espresso’ in Potlatch


Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 10-11-11 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil made the second. Unanimously approved.


Minutes: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of September 27, 2011. Commissioner Brazil made the second. Unanimously approved.


Vouchers: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers October (1of1), Commissioner 3rd ¼ Payroll Voucher, Rent Voucher Commissioner Brazil made the second. Unanimously approved.


Public Communication:   

Linda Woytowich spoke about Kiosk signage. Will re visit signage at a future meeting.


Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner Petz discussed permitting contingencies on 3 public restroom facilities sites with the County Planner, some of the permitting items were removed. The Ground Lease will be reviewed and discussed further to tie down conditions and a location.  Commissioner Brazil met with the Videographer to release the underwater video in a format compatible with the Ports website. Commr. Brazil took a tour of the boardwalk through the Skokomish Indian Nation tidelands project. Commissioner Petz is spearheading a ‘gardening project’ in conjunction with the Food Bank, the Port supports this process.  Commissioner O’Laughlin met with the Excavator regarding the clean up at Hoodsport Trail park which will start when fire permits are issued. Commissioner O’Laughlin will be absent at the next Port meeting on November 15th.


Port Maintenance Reports:   An electrician will evaluate the lights on the boardwalk to the Marina that need to be replaced along with other electrical needs. Vandalism in the men’s public restroom is being investigated.  Knight will test the water line to the dock. A Grand Fir Tree will be purchased and planted for the Christmas tree lighting ceremony.  Hoodsport Trail Park is closed for winter.


Port Operations Manager Report:  

Signed lease agreement for new office space at the North end of the West Realty building.  Port directory photo’s & changes will be submitted to WPPA for the next directory. Discussed moving the phone/internet and possibility of installing WIFI for the public to use in the Marina area. Commissioner Brazil will be attending the Small Ports seminar on October 15th & 16th.  Discussed the 2012 Budget. 


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue


Old Business:

  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  County Environmental Health Specialist is reviewing the Easement.   

Put on Hold until more research is done & other avenues explored.  A pre site inspection was done.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.

Still working on a permanent solution to the Public restrooms, looking at all possible options.  


New Business: 


Next Meetings:  Next meetings dates are Tuesdays, November 15th & December 20th.


Executive Session:    None


Adjourn: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Petz made the second. Unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:30 am


Minutes Approved: September 27, 2011



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil