July 9, 2014
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 11:35am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Lynn Harmon – WA State Parks & Recreation
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 07-9-14 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of June 18, 2014. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Voucher of July 2014 1of1 $8,698.35 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Lynn Harmon with WA State Parks spoke to the Commissioners and elaborated about running Concessions at the Wa State parks.
Commissioner Reports:
The Port is fact finding only on possible Recreational activities geared to bring tourism, local jobs, fun and local revenue to Hoodsport. When it is determined by the Port and Public that the activities are feasible, the Port will solicit bids from all Vendors to get the best RFP with guidelines acceptable to the Port. Commissioner O’Laughlin attended a seminar to get better educated on the health of trees and their environment.
There will be further discussion with the County on the feasibility of the selected property for additional Public parking.
Commissioner O’Laughlin was the ‘Commissioner on Duty’ to oversee the Ports obligation for Public Safety and Traffic Control for the Celebrate Hoodsport 29th Annual Fireworks event. The Maintenance Director put up caution tape for designated parking; signs were posted for boats to clear the slips & for vehicle parking to clear pathways for Port staff, Pyrotechnic staff, Sheriffs, Tow Truck, Fire department and Aide vehicles on the evening of the Fireworks event. WSP Troopers were stationed at the corner of Hwy 101 and State Rt 119 and at the crosswalk on Hwy 101 to the Port Marina. Fire Department personnel were in place at the Marina dock. Additional Garbage cans placed by the Hoodsport Community Events Assn eased the amount of trash to be picked up and additional Port o Pots on the waterside of Hwy 101 eased the need for the Public to cross the Highway. It is suggested the fireworks be shot off of only the left side of the dock in 2015 so there will be the allowable 250′ clearance needed for people to view the fireworks from the neighboring dock.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina: Use of the boat slips & moorage has increased. No problems to report. The Fire line was partially repaired, a new galvanized pipe was installed along the pier to the plank. The remainder of the pipe will go under the dock. That project will be tabled for the end of summer when there are less people using the Marina. Floats under the dock were repaired. Public Restrooms: Usual maintenance regarding plugged toilets and toilet paper theft. Someone pulled the magnetic locking mechanism out of the men’s restroom door destroying the electrical panel. High Volume toilets will be checked in to for the men’s side of the restroom since they are continually plugged up. The Public restroom Septic tanks were pumped on July 2nd in anticipation of extraordinary amounts of people over the 4th of July weekend which also served as the Annual pump and inspection. Hoodsport Trail Park: The Port would like to thank the local Boy Scouts who cleaned the parking lot at the trail park on June 28th from 10am-2pm in exchange for camping; compliments of the Lake Cushman Resort.
Port Operations Manager Report:
Ongoing discussion and fact finding, exploration and research continue regarding Canopy Tours, Disc Golf, Trail Extension & additional public parking in town. The repairs on the float and fire line pipe at the Port dock is insured. The Commission was informed on when meetings are held at the Economic Development Council. The annual pump out report of the Public restroom septic tanks was reviewed and the septic tanks were determined to be in good shape. Coordinating a time when the Commissioners can walk the corners of the Hoodsport Trail Park.
Current reports have been reviewed – Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending 2014
Old Business:
There was continued discussion on the Food Bank Van and their alternatives.
An interest in Canopy Tours will be investigated further to determine the feasibility of this sport in this area. Disc Golf will also be examined as it has become a popular sport. Both of these sports could bring tourism and local jobs to the Hoodsport area. Extending the hiking trail from Hoodsport Trail Park to the Foothills Park is being explored. The Additional downtown public parking is being explored with the County.
New Business:
Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Wednesday July 16, 2014 at 9am.
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.
2014 Regular Port Commission Meetings
are scheduled as follows: Wednesdays at 9 a.m. July 16, August 13, August 27, September 10
Minutes Approved: June 18, 2014
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil