Minutes: 3-18-2015

Date Published: May 6, 2015



March 18, 2015

Call to Order:
11:20 am

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil – Commission chair

Commissioner O’Laughlin

    Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance                 

Public:     Lynn Longan, Reid & Jennifer – Economic Development Council

    Marc Antonietti – Enduris Insurance Co.

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 3-18-15 meeting agenda, Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes of February 18, 2015. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers of March 2015 1of1 in the amount of $5,636.76 Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.

The following voucher/warrants are approved for payment:

See itemized detail Voucher:

March 2015 1of1 totaling $ 5,636.76

Payroll Voucher (warrants) None totaling $ 0

Public Communication:

Lynn Longan, Reid and Jennifer from the Economic Development Council talked about having recent Strategic Planning sessions to determine the most valuable project which was Tourism and how to create participation and awareness with the businesses and public. Tourism in the Hoodsport area would include recreational activities, fishing, hunting and camping. The EDC invited the Commissioners to participate in sitting on a panel to discuss these topics in forums that included business owners and the public. Commissioner O’Laughlin suggested they visit the new Fish Hatcheries at Lake Cushman and the Boat launch by the power plant. Commissioner Brazil explained how the sockeye & silver salmon would be reintroduced into the lake and hood canal. With the hatcheries jobs are being created, increasing home sales and creating revenue for the local businesses. Lynn said the EDC plans on meeting with the Hoodsport local businesses and wanted to work with the local events committee and business association. The Commissioners explained both entities have be dis banded due to lack of participation and volunteers. Lynn said there is a Blue Collar organization that wants to link with local organizations, she asked who the local clubs were, and Commissioner O’Laughlin said the Kiwanis and the Lions clubs were active in Hoodsport. Commissioner Brazil stated the L Tax (lodging tax) went to the Chamber of Commerce to promote tourism and they ran the Visitors center on State Rt 119. He went on to say in an effort to support Tourism and the public in Hoodsport, the Port provides the 6 slip Marina and pier, the waterfront park has a lawn area and picnic benches, flower baskets are hung from the telephone poles on Port property, planters are full of flowers, there is hundreds of feet of beach for beachcombing, Public restrooms were built in the middle of town, an 80 acre trail park has miles of hiking trails all at no cost to the public. The only cost is overnight moorage at the boat dock which is $10. Per night. Commissioner Petz said the Port of Hoodsport is currently exploring other activities that would bring tourists and the public additional recreational options at no cost and that the Port of Hoodsport is doing everything in its power under its very small budget to accommodate the Public and create tourism to support local business. The Port is also conscious of traffic safety and encouraged WSDOT to put in crosswalks and the Port provided safety flags for crossing the state highway. Lynn said the EDC works closely with the Shelton Chamber, they are looking for photo’s to post on the website they host www.explorehoodcanal.com which could be linked to the Port website for upcoming activities in North Mason County. Lynn said the EDC is planning a luncheon in September for the Ports in Mason County and invited the Commissioners to attend.

Marc Antonietti, insurance adjuster with Enduris Insurance who insures the Port of Hoodsport visited the Port to take a look at the Port of Hoodsports facilities which include public parking, a Port Marina & beach, the Waterfront park, Public restrooms and the Hoodsport Trail Park. Marc said because the Port does not charge fees to use any of its facilities that it falls under the Wa State Immunity Statute which says the State waives liability for areas without fees. Marc stated the insurance company was still trying to locate the owner of the cement boat that caused extensive damage to the Marina slips and support system and was going to put together a plan on how to strengthen the structure to lengthen the life of the boat slips and pier.

Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner O’Laughlin met with the Forest Manager from DNR for permission to access the Hoodsport Trail Park through the DNR gate. Commissioner Brazil met with Betty the woman who owns the sign cutting router machines at Lake Cushman; she is willing to donate one of them to the Port of Hoodsport to create trail signs at the Hoodsport Trail Park. Commissioner Brazil attended the Lake Cushman Booster club meeting, they may have another meeting the 1st Wednesday in May, the Port Commissioners may want to do a presentation at that meeting regarding ideas for recreational expansion at the Hoodsport Trail park.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Marina & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne reported it has been quiet at the Marina & waterfront.

Public Restrooms: B. Osborne reported continued graffiti on the walls.

Hoodsport Trail Park: B Osborne reported that the trail park has been open most of the winter and will be closed only during stormy weather. Someone stole the ‘no camping’ sign at the trail park. B. Osborne has been working with a man who donated 20 hours to the Port for a conservation course in forest management. B. Osborne met with Public works through the Interlocal agreement to discuss expanding the existing parking area at the trail park.

Port Operations Manager Report:

K.Wyatt created an outline on tasks that need to be put in place in order to have a public hearing regarding disc golf at the Hoodsport Trail Park and discussed the line items for review by the Commissioners. K. Wyatt called Geri, the Municipal court clerk to discuss having defendants who were sentenced to community service do supervised outdoor work for the Port to satisfy their community service requirements. The court clerk will talk to the judge as community service is usually reserved for non profit organizations. K. Wyatt called Allen at Mason County Public works to talk about how the Interlocal Agreement works; they bid for work on projects within the scope of the agreement, submit it and the Port decides whether to accept the bid. K. Wyatt received the Program of Utilization document from the WA State Parks on the Hoodsport Trail Park for the Commissioners to review. The POU describes recreational activities allowed at the Hoodsport Trail Park. Morgan Rothrock will be attending the next regular port commission meeting in April to discuss a plan of action once there has been a public hearing on the ideas around disc golf at the Hoodsport Trail Park. Krag unsoeld will be attending the April port meeting to discuss work that can be done by the kids through the WSU 4H Forestry program in which the Port gives a Grant for the education and conservation value through the forestry program. K. Wyatt brought to the attention of the port commissioners that an announcement in the Shelton Journal and a notice at the Post office stating the Hoodsport Events Assn has disbanded and there will not be an annual fireworks event in 2015 due to lack of participation and volunteers. The Port has donated the use of the Port dock for that last 29 years where the fireworks were typically set off from. The Port also took responsibility for public safety with state troopers for traffic control, sheriff deputy presence for crowd control, towing and accommodating the fire department. K. Wyatt collected the 1st ¼ timecards from the Port commissioners. K. Wyatt put together a spring newsletter which will be submitted to the lake Cushman newsletter, posted at the library, posted on the Ports website and posted at the Port office. Mark Woytowich contacted K. Wyatt regarding a newspaper article he is writing to be published in the Shelton Journal regarding the Hoodsport Trail Park. K. Wyatt gave him a synopsis on what has occurred in the last 4 years at the trail park.

Budget: Review of Financial Statement for February 2015 with an Ending Balance of $105,543.17 Investment Account Balance $266,952.17

Old Business:

Disc Golf is being explored to determine feasibility as it has become a popular sport with low impact on the ecology and current usage of the trail park. This sport could bring tourism, local jobs and revenue to the Hoodsport area. Ongoing discussion, fact finding, exploration and research continue regarding Disc Golf at the Hoodsport Trail Park. A public hearing will be held to discuss the idea with the public for input, questions and concerns.

New Business: None

Next Meetings: Next Regular Port Commission meeting is Wednesday April 22, 2014 at 9am.

Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

2015 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesdays at 9a.m. April 22, May 13, June 3, June 17, July 1, July 15, August 5, August 19

Minutes Approved: February 18, 2014

________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil