February 18, 2015
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 11:40 am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil – Commission chair
Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Ken Sides – Kimber Construction
Morgan Rothrock – Mason County Disc Golf Assn
Chris Auseth – Mason County Disc Golf Assn
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 2-18-15 meeting agenda, Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes of January 21, 2015. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers of February 2015 1of1 in the amount of $5,324.40 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
The following voucher/warrants are approved for payment:
See itemized detail Vouchers:
February 2015 1of1 totaling $ 5,324.40
Payroll Voucher (warrants) None totaling $ 0
Public Communication:
Ken Sides with Kimber Construction replaced floats under the Port of Hoodsport Marina dock that were storm damaged. He evaluated the entire dock and said the pilings are in good shape, the interior floats need to be inspected and secured and that the framing of the main walkway needs to be strengthened. The only way to determine what the floats look like under the pier would be to remove all of the decking, which would be costly and require down time making the pier temporarily inaccessible to the public. His recommendation was to build a double rim around the entire outside of the pier encasing all of the floats which would keep them in tact during stormy weather, strengthen the dock, lengthening the life of the pier. Commissioner Brazil suggested setting up a ‘Capital Improvement Plan’.Morgan Rothrock and Chris Auseth along with other Professional Disc Golfers and a certified disc golf designer walked the Hoodsport Trail Park for shared insight and club members perspective on how to design a course that has little impact on existing trails, would coincide with hikers and also offer criteria that qualifies with different levels of difficulty for a Pro disc golf course which would be compatible for beginners. Morgan handed out a preliminary design of the course showing where the tee boxes, fairways and holes were projected, stating this design was sustainable, safe and responsible. Commissioner Petz asked “what kinds of permits were needed and what their current agreement looked like at the Shelton Springs course”, Morgan responded with “no permits were needed; they simply had a lease agreement in place with the City of Shelton”. Some of the parameters in the lease were defining what size trees may be removed, the upkeep & maintenance of the park and disc golf course. Commissioner Brazil asked where the designated areas were for the public to walk at the Shelton Park; Morgan said walkers actually started walking on the course which provided more walking distances. Commissioner Brazil suggested a Lease Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding Commissioner O’Laughlin suggested writing a Perpetuity agreement for perpetual use. Commissioner Petz suggested a Liability Waiver all of which will be would be legally drafted documents. K. Wyatt was tasked to put together an ‘Outline’ on what areas need to be addressed with the different entities who needed to be involved on how to move forward with the disc golf course idea at the Hoodsport Trail Park. After all information is obtained a Public hearing will be held for questions, concerns and feedback as part of the final decision making process By the Port Commission.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Petz reported that he could not find anyone who was interested in sitting on the Advisory panel for the Transportation Improvement plan – Citizens Advisory Panel (TIP-CAP). Commissioner Petz provided photo’s and price point packages on three different Vault Toilet units for the Hoodsport Trail Park in the event there is another parking area approved by the County and WSDOT for an access at the SW end of the park. Commissioner O’Laughlin stated recently planted trees will need to be relocated, slash piles chipped and blackberry bushes removed. Commissioner O’Laughlin was approached by the local Fire Commissioner regarding talking to the Port about a Remote Access Weather Station to be stationed in Hoodsport which would help the fire station and could promote Tourism if the webcam was linked to the Ports website and linked to one of the news stations who reports weather in specific locations. Commissioner Goodpastor will make a formal presentation at the April Regular Port Commission meeting.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne reported it has been quiet at the Marina & waterfront. Since the weather has been nice, the planters will be cleaned out. K Wyatt will order the large Hanging Baskets through the Chamber of Commerce and the other flowers will be ordered for planting in the planters. Mutt Mitts will be ordered as the waterfront park and dog rest area by the restrooms are running low.
Public Restrooms: B. Osborne reported there have been graffiti and stickers with kid’s names on the walls in the public restrooms. Someone threw several wet paper towels up on the ceiling in the mens bathroom possibly in an effort to kill a big spider. Toilet paper theft and lots of muddy foot prints continue to plague the mens restroom. A deep clean is scheduled for a couple of weeks.
Hoodsport Trail Park: B Osborne reported that the trail park has been closed but due to mild weather this winter many cars are parking along State Rt 119 and hikers are walking around the gate, the Commissioners suggested leaving the gate OPEN unless there is stormy weather.
Port Operations Manager Report:
K.Wyatt reported the Ports Insurance Company ‘Enduris’, paid the fire line repair claim minus the $1000. Deductible which is included in this month’s Vouchers. The Insurance adjuster cancelled his visit and will be reschedule for the next regular port commission meeting to get familiar with the Ports assets. 2015 Mason County Tax Levies with all Districts were submitted to the Port Commissioners for their information. K. Wyatt is gathering information from WSDOT for possible access at the SW corner of the Hoodsport Trail Park. The Commissioners were handed a Permit Process to review in the event an additional parking area is approved. K. Wyatt was tasked to find out how often and at what cost an Accountability Audit is done by the State for Small Ports. Ginger Eagle, Legal representation for the WA Public Ports Assn said it was normal for a small port to have an ‘accountability audit’ every couple of years and that it was different from a ‘performance audit’. Small Ports are usually charged around $1800.00 which has become a ‘normal’ fee. K. Wyatt was tasked with trying to find ‘recreational grants’ to aid in possible development the Hoodsport Trail Park. Wa State Parks has recommended a few sources that will be investigated.
Budget: Review of Financial Statement for January 2015 with an Ending Balance of $102,861.78 Investment Account Balance $266,952.17
Old Business:
An interest in Canopy Tours and Expanding the hiking trail from the Hoodsport Trail Park to Foothills Park will be tabled at this time. Disc Golf will be examined to determine feasibility as it has become a popular sport with low impact on the current usage of the trail park. This sport could bring tourism, local jobs and revenue to the Hoodsport area. Ongoing discussion, fact finding, exploration and research continue regarding Disc Golf at the Hoodsport Trail Park.
New Business: None
Next Meetings: Next Regular Port Commission meeting is Wednesday March 18, 2015 at 9am.
Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
2015 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesdays at 9a.m. March 18, April 22
Minutes Approved: January 21, 2015
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil