December 9, 2015 Minutes

Date Published: February 23, 2016


December 9, 2015        Call to Order:
                Adjourned: 11:05am

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil – Commission chair

Commissioner O’ Laughlin

Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance

Public:         Morgan Rothrock~ President, Shelton Disc Golf Association

Approval of Agenda: Commissioner O’ Laughlin made a motion to approve the December 9, 2015 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Minutes: Commissioner O’ Laughlin made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of November 11, 2015; Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Vouchers: Commissioner O’ Laughlin made a motion to approve the following Vouchers for payment. December 2015 1 of 1 totaling $4,963.07 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication: Morgan Rothrock spoke about the disc golf course development progress the Disc Golf Association is making at the Hoodsport Trail Park. They have established 9 disc golf holes, have 7 baskets anchored and they are utilizing natural hazards as part of the course. Disc Golfers who have been a part of the work party are playing the course and love the Hoodsport Trail Park, they are super excited about the course that is being created. Once the Pro Disc Golfers agree on the course design and placement, the T surfaces will be installed. In February some temporary navigational & directional signs will be placed as a course guide. Two practice baskets have been installed near the new entrance. Commissioner Petz is very enthusiastic about creating a Youth and Seniors Amateur course on the Lake Cushman side of the trail park utilizing a very flat area which will be ideal. More discussion will take place to evaluate the extent at which this course will be accessible and whether it could be feasible to create ADD accessibility. Commissioner O’ Laughlin talked about having a green fee box that will be a Voluntary donation. Commissioner Petz recommended having a sign next to the donation box that says, “Donations are appreciated for course maintenance, suggested donation $2.00.” Commissioner Brazil said, “there is lots of interest from local citizens about the Disc Golf Course, many people are asking about it.” Commissioner O’ Laughlin suggested the Port buy a set of inexpensive starter discs for beginners to practice with.

Commissioner Reports: Commissioner Brazil brought to the Commission’s attention an invitation that was sent out by the Northwest Tribal Tourism group regarding the Pacific coast scenic byway, which is a 360 mile loop along US Hwy 101 around the WA Olympic Peninsula. Their meeting was about how everyone on the byway could work together to preserve, enhance and promote some of the scenic, cultural, natural, recreational and historic resources. Commissioner Brazil spoke about a local citizen he knows who was interested in buying the old aquarium in downtown Hoodsport to create a parking area, they found out there would be many bureaucratic entities involved all with input and special permits that would have to be purchased since it is a shoreline property. Commissioner O’ Laughlin commented on the Kayak tour boat that has brought many kayakers to Hoodsport. They typically anchor off shore beyond the Port Marina and the Kayakers launch their kayaks from the tour boat. People have asked the Commissioner why the Port doesn’t charge to use the dock and his answer is that one of the functions of the Port of Hoodsport’s charter is to encourage local tourism and the dock is free for the public’s use except overnight moorage which has a minimal fee of $10.00.

Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne reported that we are waiting for information on a welder to reinforce the existing shackles that hold up the sliding plank. He reported the high tides have shifted the bottom of the plank where it meets the deck. B. Osborne, a member of the Kiwanis, they decorated the frame of a Christmas tree at the Waterfront Park and turned on the tree lights. The Kiwanis also put up Candy canes on the power poles throughout downtown Hoodsport. Public Restrooms: B. Osborne will be painting the public restroom floors with non slip paint when the temperature is right. Vandalism in the restroom continues and a surveillance camera will be installed outside the doors. Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne is working on the sign posts at the second entrance to the Hoodsport Trail Park. Lots of branches have come down in the park due to high winds. Grass is now growing on the mounds by the sign.

Port Operations Manager Report: K Wyatt went over the dock repair phases with the Commission. The welder will be fabricating new metal shackles that attach the gangway plank as soon as possible. Commissioner is reviewing paperwork from the company who built the dock to identify the metal alloy that was previously used for the shackles. Phase II will be performed in January and Phase III will be done at the end of March. K. Wyatt and Commissioner Petz are gathering information needed to update the Comprehensive Plan in the form of an amendment to be finalized in February. Commissioner Petz has reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Port of Hoodsport and the Shelton Disc Golf Association and will have it finalized for signatures in January 2016. Vandalism to the Public restrooms was discussed at length. K. Wyatt had a conversation with Deputy Sheriff Colpotts to discuss deterrents and what constitutes a felony and misdemeanor when vandalizing public property. The Commission decided to buy a surveillance camera to be installed outside the public restrooms. Due to increasing prices of supplies for the public restroom, K. Wyatt is shopping for another cleaning supply company. K. Wyatt collected 4th ¼ timesheets from the Commissioners.

Budget: Port of Hoodsport November 2015 Financial Statement was not yet available for review

Old Business: Disc Golf is permitted within the guidelines and parameters of the WA State Parks Program of Utilization designed for the Hoodsport Trail Park as part of what is regarded as the highest & best use for public enjoyment at the Hoodsport Trail Park. Disc Golf is a popular sport with low impact on the environment will not impact current usage of the trail park and will create additional hiking opportunities. This sport will bring tourism, local jobs and revenue to the Hoodsport area.

New Business:     None

Next Meeting:     Regular Port Commission meeting Wednesday January 13, 2016 at 9am

Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:05 am.

2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m.

January 13, February 10, March 9, April 13

________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’ Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil