April 22, 2015 Minutes

Date Published: June 17, 2015



April 22, 2015


Call to Order:
11:20 am

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil – Commission chair

Commissioner O’Laughlin

    Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance

Public:         Krag Unsoeld – WSU 4H Forestry

    Jim Goodpastor – Hoodsport Fire Commissioner

    Morgan Rothrock – President Shelton Disc Golf

    Art Sporseen – WSDOT

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 4-22-15 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the regular port commission minutes of March 18, 2015. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the following Vouchers for payment: April 2015 1of1 totaling $5,931.70, April 2015 2of2 totaling $2,082.00 & Commissioners 2015 1st ¼ Payroll $981.77 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved. See attached Itemized Voucher details.

Public Communication:

Jim Goodpastor, Fire Commissioner of the local Hoodsport Fire Department would like to see a Remote Access Weather Station in downtown Hoodsport with a streaming camera that pans in a couple of directions over the Port dock & canal which could be remotely accessed by anyone via internet and broadcast to news stations showing live weather, road conditions & sunrises from Hoodsport. Jim has done homework on different scenarios and the cost is approximately $16,240. The Port Commission was very interested in a joint venture and would like to look in to other options possibly using News stations or WSDOT camera’s in an effort to cut down costs. This idea will be re visited after more information is available and prior to the 2016 proposed budget for both the fire station and the Port of Hoodsport.

Krag Onsoeld with WSU 4H Forestry said the venue has changed in which he is working with the 4H crew and has slated time in July 2015 for trail work at the Hoodsport Trail Park as in past years. Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve $2400. previously slated for 4th of July traffic control, to replant trees that were planted during the reforestation project to be moved from the SW corner of the North side of State Rt 119, to focus on the lower loop trail in the muddy areas so it can better handle intense traffic, and to shore up wet crossings by the bridge if time permits. Commissioner Brazil seconded the motion, unanimously approved.

Morgan Rothrock has been at the Hoodsport Trail Park with his Disc Golf players and designers. “We are re-looking at the design and safety aspects bringing vocal and local pro’s for input, we have the top 20 disc golfers in the world helping with acceptance. The good news is we are looking at the right property to make it a professional course that can be played at all levels”. Morgan is working on quotes for the baskets, tiles, pads, t signs, etc. Commissioner Petz offered to put together a power point presentation to propose to the Public and will evaluate the Memorandum of Understanding between the Port of Hoodsport and the Shelton Professional Disc Golf Association. Commissioner Brazil said the Port would be promoting the disc golf concept to the public via meetings, in the newspaper & on its website. The Port will also make brochures that can be given to hikers and disc golfers promoting where to stay, eat and shop in Hoodsport. Commissioner O’Laughlin asked Morgan what kinds of work the golfers can volunteer to do in an effort to create their course. Morgan said when the dust settles and there is a clear shape to the course, they will take a look at which trails they will be using; thereby able to plan and set up the baskets, pads, T signs and tiles. Morgan is looking into recycled plastic/rubber interlocking pavers for the T pads made from tires and dairy cow hay wrappers instead of concrete; this will have little environmental impact to the surrounding area and enable them to be reseated if necessary. The cost estimate of the recycled T Pads for 18 holes is approximately $7500. Morgan’s fellow disc golfers will start having work parties to transplant trees and start some pruning once the foliage is in full bloom and there is a clear picture.

B. Osborne, K. Wyatt & Commissioner Brazil met with Art Sporseen WSDOT to look over the proposed additional parking area at the Hoodsport Trail Park. Art went over WSDOT parameters and advised the Port to submit an application to WSDOT. Once received, Art will review it with his colleagues and make a determination.

Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Petz reviewed and revised the State Parks Program of Utilization to meet the criteria of the Port of Hoodsport’s mission statement with regard to specifically utilizing the Hoodsport Trail Park for the Public’s highest & best form of use and enjoyment. The commission reviewed the document. Commissioner Petz moved to approve the ‘replacement’ Program of Utilization, Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved. The document will be submitted to the WA State Parks.

Commissioner Petz received a phone call from the Mason Co. Health department stating a local man complained about the condition of the Public restroom and that no action would be taken. Commissioner Brazil also heard of the complaint which was posted to a local blog, and said there was another post from another local citizen commenting on how clean the public restrooms were. The Port Public restrooms are deep cleaned weekly and restocked each morning with supplies. Anyone can report vandalism at any time to 360.877.9350 or the IGA store and someone will respond as soon as possible. Graffiti was painted over in the women’s restroom, apparently a local feud and small mindedness sparked graffiti vandalism in several women’s restrooms in Hoodsport.

Commissioner O’Laughlin moved to approve a bid of $4000. Plus tax from Mt. Washington Excavating on expanding the existing parking area at the Hoodsport trail park, it was over $1000.00 less than the County bid, Commissioner Petz seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved. Work to expand the parking lot will start the week of April 27th, 2015.

Commissioner O’Laughlin was concerned about motorized vehicles entering the trail park from the Dow Creek campground area and suggested placing large boulders in the path.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Marina & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne planted flower in all of the planters at the waterfront park, he did the annual drip system check and charged the water lines on the dock.

Public Restrooms: B. Osborne reported continued graffiti on the restroom walls. CXT, the company who built the restrooms repaired the ridge, fixed the tension on the door & repaired the magnetic locking system damage caused by vandalism.

Hoodsport Trail Park: B Osborne helped with removal of some fallen trees at the West end of the trail park. Large limbs that were threatening to the Public were removed from above the outhouse and around the parking area. B. Osborne mapped out areas in the parking lot where gravel will be moved & a stump removed to create more parking spaces. B. Osborne met with the woman at lake Cushman who will be donating the sign router machine to the port. He still needs some parts, pieces and the software from her.

Port Operations Manager Report:

K. Wyatt verified that other private and public entities who were talking about taking over the annual fireworks event in Hoodsport were backing off of the idea. The Port Commission was reminded there was $2400. slated in the 2015 budget for traffic control and public safety that was now available to use in another area. K. Wyatt has been contacted by a representative at WA State Parks who will be the direct liaison in handling all issues regarding the Hoodsport Trail Park. A copy of the mandatory Biennial report was submitted to WA State Parks and the approved replacement of the Program of Utilization will be submitted as well. Enduris, the Port of Hoodsport’s Insurance Company sent two letters to the Port of Hoodsport on claims that have been paid for repair of the damaged dock and fire lines at the Port Marina, both claims had a $1000.00 deductible paid for by the Port. In compliance with the State Auditor, K. Wyatt and the Port of Hoodsport’s accountant is currently working on the Schedule 22 annual report. As a reminder to the Port Commission and Maintenance director, Shrimping season begins May 2nd and Crabbing season begins the first week end in July. There will be many boaters using the Port’s dock, Marina and waterfront park.

Budget: Review of Port of Hoodsport Financial Statement for March 2015 with an Ending Balance of $111,

Port of Hoodsport Investment Account Balance $266,952.17

Old Business:

Disc Golf is being explored to determine feasibility as it has become a popular sport with low impact on the environment and current usage of the trail park. This sport could bring tourism, local jobs and revenue to the Hoodsport area. Ongoing discussion, fact finding, exploration and research continue regarding Disc Golf as part of what is regarded as the highest & best use and enjoyment at the Hoodsport Trail Park. A public hearing will be held to discuss the idea with the public for input, questions and concerns.

New Business: None

Next Meetings: Next Regular Port Commission meeting is Wednesday May 13, 2014 at 9am.

Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

2015 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Wednesdays at 9a.m.

May 13, June 3, June 17, July 1, July 15, August 5, August 19

Minutes Approved: March 18, 2014

________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil