2024 Spring Newsletter
Port Commissioners:
Lori Kincannon – Hoodsport Terry Brazil – Lake Cushman Cody Morris – Hoodsport
The Port of Hoodsport is excited to announce an award of $41,000 in capital funding from the State of Washington for the Port of Hoodsport’s emergency repairs of the public pier and dock. This is great news for the entire community! Business owners and community members rallied together in endorsing the Port’s capital budget funding request so it may reopen the dock and continue to serve as an emergency, economic and outdoor recreational asset in the heart of our small, rural community. Our plan is to finish repairs by late spring. After emergency repairs are complete, we will be working on a plan to completely replace the pier and dock. The Port will continue to keep the community updated as we make progress. The Port Commission would like to thank each one of you for your support and strong advocacy for the Port dock in the Hoodsport community. If you would like to contribute to the future dock repair and replacement costs, a donation form can be found on the Port of Hoodsport’s website at www.portofhoodsport.us.
The 80-acre Hoodsport Trail Park is located on the North side of State Rt 119 and is open to the public. A map can be found on the Port’s website at www.portofhoodsport.us where a QR code can be downloaded for the trail map of the park. Additionally, brochures with the QR code are available at the Visitor’s Center on SR 119, and in local businesses. The Port of Hoodsport, in partnership with the Timberland library, creates a new story book each season for families to read along the hiking trail. The Port invites everyone to take a stroll or hike through the lush forest with Dow Creek running through it.
The Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf Course is situated on 20 acres on the South side of State Rt 119, adjacent to the Lake Cushman Golf Course. The course is in a beautiful setting emphasizing the natural aesthetics which attract professional and amateur disc golfers. The Port Commission plans to add another nine holes to make the disc golf course a Par 3 executive course. Disc golf clinics and tournaments at the 9-hole disc golf course can be scheduled by completing the event application found on the Port’s website.
The dock and pier are closed until repairs are complete. When open, “Overnight” moorage is available at the Port of Hoodsport’s Marina dock on a first come, first serve basis, no reservations needed. Fees are $20 per night. Stays are limited to 24 hours. Be sure to check the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website for fishing and harvesting dates, times & warnings. (In 2015, The Washington State Dept of Health closed most of Hood Canal to recreational shellfish harvest (oysters, clams, mussels). This was due to the detection of a marine biotoxin, paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) which can be deadly and cannot be removed by cooking. Before harvesting any shellfish, call the marine biotoxin hotline at 1-800-562-5632 or for more information, visit the WDFW website at www.doh.wa.gov/shellfishsafety.htm. The Port of Hoodsport video surveillance system monitors all activities at the waterfront park, dock, parking area, shed, office and public restrooms in and around port properties.
To schedule events using any Port of Hoodsport property, an event application must be submitted along with a non-refundable deposit. Additionally, a facility use agreement must be submitted to the POH Commission at least 60 days in advance of the event. A Certificate of Liability Insurance is also required in advance. For more information, visit the POH website at www.portofhoodsport.us or contact the POH via email at portmail@hctc.com.