2022 Fall Newsletter

Date Published: October 7, 2022
Category: Newsletter

2022 Fall Newsletter

Port Commissioners:

Lori Kincannon – Hoodsport           Terry Brazil – Lake Cushman           Cody Morris – Hoodsport

The Port of Hoodsport

The Hoodsport Trail Park and the Hoodsport Hills Disc Golf course are currently closed to the public. Removal of diseased, dying and fallen hazard trees started mid-July. Closer assessment revealed Poria laminated root rot was widespread and prominent presence of the Douglas-fir bark beetle. Additionally, the blow down trees from last winter’s storms made a huge mess of entangled trees creating dangerous conditions during removal. The tree removal project is estimated to be completed at the end of October. The trails will be cleared and ready for the public by late spring. 

The Port of Hoodsport, in partnership with the Mason County Disc Golf Association oversees a disc golf course on the 20 acres of park land located on the South side of State Rt 119, adjacent to the Lake Cushman Golf Course. The course is a beautiful setting emphasizing the natural aesthetics of 80-acre park, attracting professional and amateur disc golfers. Shelton Disc Golf club coordinates disc golf clinics and tournaments at the 9-hole disc golf course. Activities can be found on discgolfscene.com, masoncountydiscgolf.com and pdga.com.  

The Timberland library has partnered with the Port of Hoodsport to create a story book trail along the 60-acre hiking trail.  Be sure to take the family to read the current story on the trail this spring. The Port Commission has just published an updated Port of Hoodsport brochure which includes a QR code that can download a trail map of the park. The brochure is available from the Visitor’s Center on SR 119 and other local businesses. The Port of Hoodsport surveillance system monitors activities at the waterfront park, dock, parking area, shed, office and public restrooms in and around port properties. The trail park and disc golf course are closed during inclement weather.

 “Overnight” moorage is available at the Port of Hoodsport’s Marina dock on a first come first served basis, no reservations. Fees are $10 per night and stays are limited to 24 hours at a time. Be sure to check the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website for fishing and harvesting dates, times & warnings. (In 2015 The Washington State Dept of Health closed most of Hood Canal to recreational shellfish (oysters, clams, mussels) harvest.  This was due to the detection of a marine biotoxin, paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) which can be deadly and cannot be removed by cooking. Before each and every time you harvest shellfish, go to the marine biotoxin hotline at 1-800-562-5632 or for more information, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website at www.doh.wa.gov/shellfishsafety.htm.

To schedule events using any of the Port of Hoodsport property, an event application must be submitted along with a non-refundable deposit. Additionally, a facility use agreement must be submitted to the POH Commission at least 60 days in advance of the event. A Certificate of Liability Insurance is also required in advance. For more information, visit the POH website at www.portofhoodsport.us or contact the POH via email at portmail@hctc.com.