2016 Spring Newsletter

Date Published: May 11, 2016
Category: Newsletter

Port of Hoodsport


2016 Spring Newsletter




Terry Brazil – Lake Cushman

Mike Petz – Potlatch

John O’Laughlin – Potlatch


The Port of Hoodsport’s Marina has been under construction over the winter when weather permitted with repairs and reinforcements to prolong the life of the Marina dock, slips and gangplank. In December of 2015 the Ports Waterfront Park hosted a lit Christmas tree structure at the Ports waterfront park. The tree structure was decorated by the Kiwanis. Hanging Flower Baskets and flowers have been ordered to accent the Ports Waterfront Park and will be planted & hung by May 2016.


The Public Restrooms continue to have high volume throughout the year.


The Hoodsport Trail Park has been open most of the winter and was closed only during stormy weather. A new parking area was created at the Upper end of the Trail Park in anticipation of the Championship Disc Golf Course which is still under development. This sport provides enhanced recreational activity for residents, guests and visitors. Partnered with Mason County Disc Golf Association, the Association designed a championship course that values the natural aesthetics of the park and will attract both professional and amateur disc golfers. It is being built mostly with volunteer labor from the disc golf community who will maintain the quality and safety of the course throughout its life. The course will minimize interface with existing trails allowing hikers to also enjoy hiking the disc golf course. The Port is providing materials such as the disc baskets and T pads. When the course use increases beyond the current restroom capacity, a permanent vault restroom will be installed. The estimated playable completion will be in the Summer of 2016.


“Overnight” moorage is available at the Port of Hoodsport’s Marina dock on a first come first served basis, there are no reservations, stays are limited to 24 hours, and the fee is $10. Per overnight stay.

“Shrimping” season on the Hood Canal (Marine Area 12) this year will be Open May 14, 18, 28 & 30, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. “Crabbing” season is currently CLOSED The season will start again this summer… Be sure to check the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website for dates, times & warnings.

(In 2015 The Washington State Dept of Health closed most of Hood Canal to recreational shellfish (oysters, clams, mussels) harvest. This was due to the detection of a marine biotoxin, paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) which can be deadly and cannot be removed by cooking. At the time of this newsletter only varnish clams are closed for harvest. Each and every time you harvest, everyone needs to check the marine biotoxin hotline at 1-800-562-5632 or go to the website of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at www.doh.wa.gov/shellfishsafety.htm for more information.)


A town hall ‘Traffic and Pedestrian Safety’ meeting between the Public, the Port of Hoodsport and WSDOT in September 2015 resulted in The Port of Hoodsport partnering with WSDOT for grant money to purchase and install flashing crosswalk beacons and two vehicle speed feedback signs to be installed at both ends of Hoodsport in the summer of 2016.

You can contact the Port of Hoodsport via email portmail@hctc.com or by phone (360)877-9350