Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:25am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance
Public: Kristin Masteller and Jack Jack Janda PUD#1
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the June 29, 2016 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of June 8, 2016; Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
No Vouchers to approve
Public Communication:
Jack Janda and Kristin Masteller from PUD#1 discussed the EV Car Charging Station intricacies with their attorney and determined the Port of Hoodsport as a Public entity must be the End User in order to take advantage of the Renewable Energy program in donating the car charging unit. IGA agreed to make a renewal energy donation to help offset annual costs for the modem, electricity and extended warranty to keep the car charging unit operable and available to the Public. Kristin said she was sure the car charging station cost to consumers should offset any electricity cost involved. Commissioner Petz asked if the Port could establish the rate to charge the customer, Kristin said, ‘Yes’. The Blink EV Car Charging Company will send a user contract for the Port to sign, once the contract is signed, the unit will be shipped to PUD#1 and ready for installment. Jack Janda stated he wants to be involved with the Port of Hoodsport and offered his support; Commissioner Brazil thanked him and asked about solar energy programs that could possibly help offset the public restroom and other electrical costs, Jack said he would certainly look into it.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin talked about the fact that there were No Fireworks scheduled from the Port of Hoodsport dock this year due to lack of involvement and organization with the local events committee. He spoke with some of the downtown Hoodsport business owners who stated business was better without the fireworks event. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said the Hoodsport Trail Park disc golf course should have a sign stating that the course is unfinished but open to the public in its ‘as is’ state and disc golfers can use it at their own risk. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said a sign by the Skokomish boat launch in Potlatch that held the Kiwanis and Lions club emblem signs was hit by a car and destroyed. He will call Steve Kim at WSDOT to find out if the signs can be reposted under the WSDOT Public restroom sign on highway 101 across from the West Realty building. He will also find out if an EV Car Charging station sign can be posted there as well. Commissioner Brazil talked about a golf tournament at the Lake Cushman golf course to support cart path paving and asked the Port commission to sponsor a hole at the tournament especially since most of the Port’s tax base and revenue comes from Lake Cushman residents in their district. Commissioner Brazil made a motion to purchase advertising for one day at the golf tournament which costs $50.00, Commissioner Petz seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne inspected the fire extinguishers at the boat dock. Moles are destroying the lawn at the waterfront park; Mole Control will be used to combat the problem.
Public Restrooms: Restrooms remain super busy. The exhaust fan has been replaced in the women’s bathroom. The septic is scheduled to be pumped prior to the 4th of July weekend.
Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne mounted the game camera and will be linking it to a computer to capture all photos at the upper parking area.
The Vault toilet will be pumped at the lower parking area. Disc golfers are working on the disc golf baskets and trails.
Port Operations Manager Report:
K. Wyatt received a message from the RCO (Recreation Conservation Organization) planning department to talk about public funds for the trail park enhancement in 2018. They suggested the Port of Hoodsport write a grant to request funds to make the Hoodsport Trail Park a ‘specific destination’, which could include paving for the parking area and trails, signage, covered picnic areas, with complete ADA accessibility. The Commission discussed the possibilities and is definitely interested in making the Hoodsport Trail Park by the Lake Cushman golf course and ADA accessible disc golf course and Trail Park. The Port Commission requested that K. Wyatt ask RCO for examples of previously approved written grants to help with criteria RCO may be looking for when writing the grants for this project. Commissioner Petz said he would be willing to help K. Wyatt in writing a Grant for this project. Commissioner O’ Laughlin said he has a good friend who is wheelchair bound and there are specific ADA criteria which will need to be researched. Hoodsport Trail Park brochures were ordered, picked up and distributed to the Hoodsport Visitors center and the Lake Cushman resort by Commissioner O’ Laughlin. K. Wyatt emailed the local fire chief who later spoke to Commissioner O’ Laughlin and agreed to do a pressure test on the fire line at the Hoodsport Dock as a training exercise for the local fire department. Commissioner Petz spoke to the United Way of Mason County who are looking for something to do as Volunteers. The commission discussed the possibility of them cleaning up the trail at the Hoodsport trail park. There are berry vines and branches that constantly need to be cleared off of the trail. They could bring pruning shears, gas powered trimmers and collect trash. K. Wyatt is available for a conversation about when and where they can show up. Commissioners turned in their time sheets for the 2nd ¼ payroll in 2016.
Budget: Port of Hoodsport May 2016 Financial statement was reviewed
Old Business: As discussed above
New Business: None
Next Meet: Regular Port Commission meeting Wednesday July 13, 2016 at 9am
Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:25am
2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows: Wednesday’s at 9a.m. July 13, July 27