2016 April 6 Minutes

Date Published: September 10, 2016



Call to Order:
    Adjourned: 11:20am

Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commission Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA

Roll Call:     Commissioner O’ Laughlin – Commission Chair

Commissioner Brazil

    Commissioner Petz

Staff Present:     K. Wyatt, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, Director of Maintenance

Public:         Ken Sides ~ Kimber Construction

        Morgan Rothrock ~ Shelton Disc Golf Assn.

Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the April 6, 2016 meeting agenda, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Regular Port Commission minutes of February 10, 2016; Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.

Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the following Vouchers for payment. March 2016 1of1 $5,208.31, April 2016 1of1 $8,826.29 Commissioner 1st ¼ Payroll $1,104.49 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Public Communication:

Ken Sides, Kimber Construction showed the Port Commission photos of bolts that were used around the perimeter of the Ports Marina dock boat slips which over time have rusted and are shearing off. Replacement of the bolts was unexpected in the Phase II reinforcement project of the dock, however crucial in holding together the structure of the dock. There will be extensive use this summer by the Public and local fishermen.

Morgan Rothrock, President of the Shelton Disc Golf Assn. reported that the volunteer work parties working on the design and layout of the disc golf course at the Hoodsport Trail Park slowed way down over the winter months due to wet and windy weather. Five of the T surfaces have been installed and he anticipates the lower nine T Baskets will be installed by the end of April 2016. The club and disc golf players are looking forward to having the bottom nine finished. All of the T Pads, Baskets and Fairways are mostly clear for play, some limbing of tree branches still need to be done, directional arrows to help navigate the course in its rough state are being placed and with good weather many volunteers are ready to continue work to finish the course. Groups of disc golfers are playing small events and the perception of the course is good. Once the course is compacted and defined the goal and attention will be moving to the upper part of the trail park to start working on the upper Nine. Some of the upper nine holes have been scratched in, there is way less vegetation allowing for par 3’s and par 4’s on the upper Nine so they will be working on landing zones for more pars. The Port allocated a $30,000 Budget for the 18 hole Professional Disc Golf Course project. Thus far Disc Golf baskets, T pads, signage, parking area and trail revision totals $25,297. This leaves a remaining balance of $4703. The budget appears to be on target, the funding will be adequate for the entire 18 hole project because the projected remaining expenditures will come in under budget. Commissioner O’ Laughlin asked Morgan what the needs will be to work on and complete the upper nine holes. Morgan said at this point they will need special locks for the baskets and more trail revision especially on the lower part of T11 and T12. Commissioner O’ Laughlin thanked Morgan and the volunteer group of disc golfers for their phenomenal progress and added there have been no complaints from hikers. Commissioner Brazil said the Lake Cushman residents, and home owners association have been curious but with positive feedback.

Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’ Laughlin suggested having live stream surveillance video cameras on the overhang and power pole pointed at the public restrooms to determine who is continually stealing toilet paper, soap and floor mats. Someone complained about the floors being slippery. Commissioner Brazil suggested painting the floor with a non slip surface, Commissioner Petz suggested pursuing the non slip floor additive recommended by CXT, the manufacturer of the public restrooms. Commissioner O’ Laughlin asked Morgan Rothrock his opinion about which security cameras would work best. Morgan stated there were cameras that could be purchased at Costco and set up as a live stream but to shop around for the best resolution, they are no good if you cannot see the detail of faces and license plates. Commissioner Petz moved to procure a surveillance camera security system with minimal amount of cameras with one mounted in the overhang of the Public restroom, one mounted at the dock and one mounted in the parking area. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved. Commissioner O’ Laughlin was at the Hoodsport Trail park upper parking area and reported the Port o pot is now chained to a tree by the vendor due to someone hitting the port o pot and knocking it over, it appeared that the port o pot was hit by a gray car, probably the same car that spun out leaving circular indentations and damage to the fresh gravel. Commissioner Brazil reported he saw where a tree that fell due to high winds hit both kiosks and a bench and completely obliterated them. B. Osborne cut up the tree, he suggested the Kiwanis take the wood, and without an answer back he gave the wood to a needy family. Commissioner O’ Laughlin asked if the Port has heard from local business owners who were at the prior port commission meeting and if they have applied for use of the Port dock to have a fireworks show. K. Wyatt reported there has been no word from anyone in town regarding fireworks since the last port commission meeting. Commissioner Brazil said people have asked him if there would be a fireworks show and he responded with no one from the events committee has formally requested to use the Port dock.

Port Maintenance Reports:

Hoodsport Marina, Dock & Waterfront Park: B. Osborne reported the welder reinforced the existing shackles that hold up the sliding plank and he did a great job. Phase II of dock reinforcement will be completed by the end of April. The annual fire line pressure test requirement at the Marina dock is scheduled by Knight Fire after the final frost and by May.

Public Restrooms: Restrooms remain busy. Toilet paper & non slip floor mats continue to be desired targets for thieves.

Hoodsport Trail Park: B. Osborne is working on the sign posts and barriers at the second entrance to the Hoodsport Trail Park. A surveillance camera will be put up in the parking lot. The bid to replace the kiosks and bench in the upper parking lot is under $500. B. Osborne said one of the disc golfers ‘Bill’, has been helping clean up the upper parking area.

Port Operations Manager Report:

K. Wyatt gathered the Commissioner timecards for the first quarter of 2016. K. Wyatt contacted CXT, the manufacturer of the Public restrooms and received specs on their floor paint additive to use in the event the floors are slippery when wet. Specs were given to the Commission and Maintenance. The Port of Hoodsport is applying for Grant funds from the Recreation and Conservation office for a new vault toilet to be installed at the Hoodsport Trail Park in the upper parking area in 2017, one of the requirements is to bring the Comp Plan current with sequential updates since 2008. K. Wyatt and Commissioner Petz are currently working on this project. A Traffic and Pedestrian Safety meeting was held in Hoodsport on September 8, 2015, present were the Port commission, WSDOT Engineers, business owners and the public. There was a consensual agreement that the Port of Hoodsport and WSDOT would move a crosswalk from the South side of State Rt 119 and Hwy 101 to the North side of State Rt 119 and Hwy 101, install a crosswalk beacon at that crosswalk and two radar vehicle speed signs at both ends of town. The Port and WSDOT are co applying for state funds to purchase the crosswalk beacon and both radar vehicle speed signs. An application was filled out by the Port and forwarded to WSDOT for completion and submittal prior to the deadline in May 2016. The Port of Hoodsport received a letter from Mason County Department of Community Development regarding a shoreline permit and special use permit required for IGA to expand their business. The Port commission agreed that they supported IGA with their future business plans and that it was for the good of the community. Commissioner O’ Laughlin added he will attend both hearings in support of IGA’s future plans for expansion. K. Wyatt completed the 2016 Spring newsletter, the commission reviewed the content and agreed it was ready to be posted at the library, on the Ports website, at the Port office and sent to the Lake Cushman for their online newsletter. The Port received a letter from their insurance company Enduris stating the claim for dock repairs due to the large cement boat damage was now closed. K. Wyatt is researching all aspects of costs associated with installation and ongoing cost to sustain the EV Car Charging station.

Budget:     Port of Hoodsport January/February 2016 Financial Statement was reviewed

Old Business:     As discussed above

New Business:     None

Next Meet:     Regular Port Commission meeting Thursday April 28, 2016 at 9am

Adjourn:     Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port Commission meeting, Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.

2016 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:    Thursday April 28th Wednesday’s at 9a.m. May 11, May 25, June 8, June 29, July 13, July 27