2014 Spring Port Newsletter

Date Published: May 8, 2014
Category: Newsletter




Terry Brazil – Lake Cushman

Mike Petz – Potlatch

John O’Laughlin – Potlatch


The Port of Hoodsport accepted a request from the Hoodsport Community Events Assn for usage of the Port of Hoodsport Marina Dock for the 29th Annual Celebrate Hoodsport 4th of July fireworks Celebration. This event draws thousands of people to Hoodsport and Lake Cushman areas over the Independence Day week end. The fireworks display will be held on Saturday July 5th, fireworks will be set off when it is dark around between 9:30 and 10pm. The Public and Boaters will be able to use the Port dock until 5pm that Saturday at which point the dock must be cleared for the pyrotechnics company to set up their fireworks display. The Port of Hoodsport provides a clean and safe environment at the Port Marina and as a duty to its public is responsible for Public and Traffic Safety. The Port will provide Traffic control with WA State Troopers directing traffic at Highway 101 and State Route 119. Mason County Sheriff Deputies will be on foot patrol from the Port Marina to State Route 119, the Hoodsport Fire Department & Medic One will be parked in front of the Port Marina in addition a Tow Truck will be available.

The Port of Hoodsport Public dock is available for the Public’s use. There are Six 16′ boat slips available on a first come first served basis. There is a 24 hour limit and overnight moorage is available at $10.00 per/slip per/night.

Shrimping Season 2014 ~May 3, 7,10 & 21

Crabbing Season 2014 ~ Summer Dates Not yet posted

The Hoodsport Trail Park recently had some ‘dangerous’ trees fall over the trails and in the parking lot, a few leaning trees that posed a threat were removed so the Trail Park could be re opened for the Publics use and enjoyment. The Port Commissioners approved a ‘Grant’ to be provided to the WSU Mason County 4H Forestry program. The Grant is to provide educational opportunities for youth involving educational experiences in the field of natural resources. The 4H crew will be working at the Hoodsport Trail Park providing heavy duty trail maintenance, will better define the trails with markers and possibly start a new trail spur if time permits in the summer of 2014.

Since the Port of Hoodsport installed the New Public Restrooms, there has been a significant positive effect on the businesses in Hoodsport.

The Port of Hoodsport is in the process of revising and updating their Comprehensive Master Plan. The Port is assembling a Survey that will be distributed to Hoodsport and Lake Cushman residents posing the question of what the public opinion is for future projects for the Port that fall within the scope of the Ports parameters of responsibilities and limited budget.

The Port of Hoodsport has joined the Mason County Chamber of Commerce in an effort to promote tourism. The Visitors center located in Hoodsport served 13,500 tourists in 2013 and the website www.explorehoodcanal.com which is hosted by the Chamber had 67,000 hits last year. The Port of Hoodsport expects a very busy summer and will facilitate the local public and tourists at the Port of Hoodsport Marina/Dock, the Hoodsport Trail Park and the Public Restrooms.