October 22, 2013
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:15am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner O’Laughlin – excused
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
B. Osborne & P. Hoff, Hoodsport Services
Public: None in Attendance
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 10-22-13 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of September 10, 2013. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers of September 2013 2of2 $4,004.73, Commissioners Payroll $1,963.54, October 2013 1of1 $3,195.56 & October 2013 2of2 $3,448.78 Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Brazil stated Judy Scott from the Port of Allyn was going to attend the Port meeting today to talk about an All Ports meeting but cancelled at the last minute. Commissioner Brazil attended the WPPA ‘Small Ports Seminar’ and talked about protocol in the event of an Emergency, who has the Authority to call someone or take care of a situation. Further discussion and ‘Delegation of Power’ documents will be put in to place for the Executive Director and the Maintenance department which will be revised annually as a Resolution.
Commissioner Brazil shared information the Forest service and Tacoma City power will no longer maintain the dirt road at the end of State Route 119 which will be closed up to the Staircase campgrounds. His concern is how many people will be affected who like to hike and camp beyond that point. Commissioner Brazil talked about some ideas for the Master Plan after reviewing the Comprehensive plan which will be discussed at length in a future meeting. Commissioner Petz wanted to know if the Port would participate in the local IGA Trunk or Treat to be held in their parking lot between 5-7pm on Halloween.
Port Maintenance Reports:
It was reported that some of the Alders are dying and falling and that another big Alder fell at the Hoodsport Trail park and hit the Upper bridge. The trail park will be open until the weather gets bad. Commissioner Brazil will be speaking to the lady who makes wood carved signs to find out details about making the trail park signs. The pvp water pipe on the dock will be drained down before the freeze. The magnetic locking system for the Public Restrooms has been completely repaired. The sign for restrooms is complete and will be affixed to the outside wall.
Port Operations Manager Report:
Reviewed a letter from the County Board of Commissioners requesting comments on Wastewater Reclamation projects to increase funding to charge people to hook up to a sewer system than charge them a monthly fee. The Port took the position of a NO vote and Commissioner Petz will write a letter in response. The Fall newsletter was written and approved by the Commissioners, it will be distributed at the IGA, posted on the Port website, at the Library, in the Port office window and at local bulletin boards around Hoodsport. The Port Operations manager will attend the Trunk or Treat Halloween festivities. A Public Hearing to discuss the Preliminary Budget for 2014 will be held on Tuesday November 19th at 9am prior to the Port’s regular commission meeting it will be advertised in the newspaper on November 7th and November 14th. A college student Iain Morris, son of the Hardware Distillery is doing a college project that will create a scenario for the best usage of the Waterfront Park. A copy of the Ports ‘Master Plan’ will be sent to Iain. Grants will be looked in to that may facilitate cost on future Port projects. The 2014 budget is being worked on with actual cost factors to maintain the Waterfront park, Marina, Dock, Hoodsport Trail Park and the Public restrooms to determine the position the Port will be in for 2014. A map of the Olympic peninsula was laminated and will be affixed to the side of the West Realty building for tourists to look at when they visit the public restrooms.
Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending September 2013
Old Business:
New Business:
Discuss future projects for the Port and updating its Master Plan and some items to talk about at a public meeting to revise what the public needs are. Some ideas are a purchase of downtown real estate, extend a hiking trail from the trail park to the foothills park, a museum, community center, pier and wharf. These ideas will be presented to the public in a community dinner meeting and suggestions will be welcome.
Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday November 12, 2013 at 9am.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:40am
2013 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
Tuesdays at 9 a.m.:
November 12th, November 19th, December 17th and
2014 January 14th, February 11th
Minutes Approved: September 10, 2013
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil