2013 08 13

Date Published: January 28, 2014




August 13, 2013


Call to Order:


Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA


Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner O’Laughlin     

    Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:     K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                B. Osborne, HP Maintenance


Public:     Krag Unsoeld – WSU 4H Forestry


Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 8-13-13 meeting agenda. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of July 23, 2013. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers August 2013(1of1) $11,097.04, a Special Re Issue to 4H $16,800. and August 2013 (2of2)$9,260.82 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Public Communication:

Krag Onsoeld WSU 4H Forestry presented a ‘new’ trail map for the Hoodsport Trail Park showing the new trail the 4H forestry group finished. The new trails will be reflected on the next brochure map he is working on. The new trail adds approximately one mile of hiking on the South side of State Route 119. A video of the forestry group will be added to the Port’s website. There is an annual Harvest of Hope dinner and auction to benefit the 4H program on Friday August 16th at 6pm, the event will be held at the Civic Center in Shelton. The Port will assess projects for next summer and will contact the WSU 4H Forestry group with next year’s agenda for their assistance to maintain the trail park.


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Brazil walked the Hoodsport Trail Park to inspect the bridge repair and new trail work on the South side of State Rt. 119. He noticed an old tree house that will need to be removed to avoid liability. Bruce will remove it. Commissioner O’Laughlin asked Commissioner Petz to review some dialogue from the Port of Allyn and the Port of Shelton regarding the Shoreline management meetings with regard to Port jurisdiction. Commissioner Petz will review the drafts and report back. Commissioner O’Laughlin posed the question as to whether or not the Tow truck is necessary to have on call at next year’s Celebrate Hoodsport event, it will be taken under consideration and discussed with the events committee. Commissioner O’Laughlin spoke to fisheries regarding the Sludgehammer septic system to help with waste water from Finch Creek, the fisheries said they were not worried about it and the pollution will leach itself out.


Port Maintenance Reports:

The Hoodsport Trail Park was closed during repairs being done by Stymacks who removed a cluster of trees, repaired hand rails on the bridges and repaired the abutment under the bridges. The maintenance department will make sure all the L brackets are in place and it is secure. A ¾ inch valve will be used to repair the water line under pressure at the Marina dock. The public restrooms have been super busy and are being maintained daily and as needed.


Port Operations Manager Report:

Seaplane rides were advertised using a sandwich board. The pilot got permission to advertise at the end of the Port property sidewalk. A reminder to the Port commissioners that there will be a Small Ports Seminar held by the Washington Public Port Association in Leavenworth in the month of October. The Visitors Information Center is out of Hoodsport trail maps, the next printing of the Hoodsport Trail map will be delayed until next year so the mile of new trail which will be submitted by Krag with the WSU 4H will be included. The Hoodsport Community Events Assn is holding a pot luck tonight at the Lake Cushman resort and has invited the Port Commissioners and contracted staff.


Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending June 2013


Old Business:


  1. Items on CXT Warranty list have been completed.


New Business:

Discuss future projects for the Port and updating its Master Plan and some items to talk about at a public meeting to revise what the public needs are. Commissioner Brazil would like a discussion for focusing on Spring projects.


Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday August 27, 2013 at 9am.


Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:00am


2013 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:

Tuesdays at 9 a.m.:

August 27th, September 10th, October 22nd, November 12th, December 17th and January 14th, 2014


Minutes Approved: July 23, 2013



________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil