2013 06 18

Date Published: January 28, 2014





June 18, 2013


Call to Order:


Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA


Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner O’Laughlin     

    Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:     K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                HP Maintenance & Janel’s Janitorial


Public:     Linda Woytowich – Woytowich Designs


Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 6-18-13 meeting agenda. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of May 28, 2013. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers June 2013(1of1) $10,806.22 Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Public Communication:

Linda Woytowich presented her ideas on the ‘Way Finder’ map and information sign, the sign will be constructed of Vinyl plastic coated steel 8′ x 4′ board, Plexiglass will cover the map to protect it from vandalism. The board will be located at the side of the new Public Restrooms as an informational point for tourists, its focus on local business and opportunity to enjoy our immediate area. Part of the map will be of Hoodsport, the sign will provide local business, organizations, local websites and tourism information. There will also be a regional map of the surrounding Olympic Peninsula so tourists can get their bearings as to where they are in the Pacific Northwest. The Port will contribute $250. towards a matching trifold brochure map.


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner O’Laughlin appeared as the guest speaker in an interview on KMAS radio on June 14th, Commissioner O’Laughlin spoke about the Port of Hoodsport’s Grand Opening of the new Public Restroom facility.


Port Maintenance Reports:

The maintenance department is cleaning the public restrooms two times per day at minimum. The toilets keep getting plugged up. The solution may be to increase flush flow with a bigger flush kit. A procedure will be written on what to do when the toilets are plugged. A kid locked the door in the bathroom, crawled under the toilet stall and left. Someone went in and kicked the door which broke the latch. An option is to remove the door latch & take the doors locks off. The restrooms were tagged on the inside of the men’s side. A ‘Maintenance Plan’ will be created by Commissioner Petz, the Maintenance department and Jim Ayres – septic designer to best manage the septic system in different usage scenarios.

The Hoodsport Trail Park will have a newly painted kiosk, outhouse and entrance sign, as weather permits. The docks will be clean for the start of the crabbing season on July 1, 2013.


Port Operations Manager Report:

A grand opening celebration was held on Friday June 14, 2013 between 11-2pm. The Commissioners served BBQ’d hot dogs, chips and soda to the local Public. Septic designer Jim Ayres, and Geri Purvis, owner of IGA attended the celebration.

The Port of Hoodsport will provide traffic & citizen safety at the annual Celebrate Hoodsport fireworks event, State Troopers will be stationed at Hwy 101 and State Rt 119 to direct traffic, Sheriff’s deputies will be on foot patrol for crowd control, a tow truck will be on call and a septic pumper will be on call again this year, preparations are under way for the Celebrate Hoodsport fireworks event to be held on Saturday July 6th. The Port will bring in extra port o pots to accommodate the hundreds of people who will be in town for the annual Celebrate Hoodsport event. Knight Fire Protection repaired and certified the Marina emergency ‘fire fighting’ waterline. The valve could withstand 200 lbs of pressure and is left ‘on’. The local fire department was notified of the certification and details.

Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending 2013 (none to provide)


Old Business:


  1. County inspector will sign off on Permit card when brought to County

  2. ‘As built’ to be sent to County – Paperwork received from County



New Business:

Next project for the Port and updating its Master Plan. The ‘master plan’ update is tabled for discussion at a later date. A public meeting will be held in the fall to revise the ‘master plan’ to reflect what the local public currently identifies as their priority.


Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday July 2nd at 9am.


Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:07am


2013 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:


July 2nd @ 9am, July 23rd & 9am, August 13th @ 9am, August 27th @ 9am, September 10th @9am, September 24th @ 9am.


Minutes Approved: May 28, 2013



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Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil