May 28, 2013
Call to Order:
Adjourned: 10:10am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
HP Maintenance & Janel’s Janitorial
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 5-28-13 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of May 14, 2013. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers May 2013(2of2) $2,324.24 Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Brazil spoke to Linda Sund who commented on how Nice Hoodsport looks with all of the improvements, new restrooms and flowers provided by the Port. Commissioner Brazil also received an email from Stymacks Tree Service regarding the dying Alders at the far end of the Hoodsport Trail Park.
Port Maintenance Reports:
The maintenance department has been waiting for a bid to repair the bridges in the park. Spring cleaning has started in the Park, we are waiting for some good weather to paint the outhouse, kiosk and trail head signs. A custom made galvanized trash can liner was stolen at the trail park. A metal plate needs to be replaced by where the metal ramp meets the dock, marine dock repair companies will be contacted as soon as possible. There is a major leak in the public restroom roof the entire length of the seam that pulled the two units together. The companies warranty people will be contacted. The restrooms are going through lots of toilet paper; jumbo rolls will be installed to help the situation. A maintenance plan will be developed for the public restroom septic system to keep it fully operational. Discussed having a MSDS booklet put together with information for the public restrooms and office.
Port Operations Manager Report:
A grand opening celebration will be held on Friday June 14, 2013 between 11-2pm, a Press Release will be broadcast through KMAS radio. KMAS will be piping news radio in to the public restrooms. KMAS radio will be at the celebration broadcasting radio. Knight Fire will be inspecting and certifying the fire to be compliant. The Port of Hoodsport will provide traffic & citizen safety at the annual Celebrate Hoodsport fireworks event, State Troopers will be stationed at Hwy 101 and State Rt 119 to direct traffic, Sheriff’s deputies will be on foot patrol for crowd control, a tow truck will be on call and a septic pumper will be on call again this year, preparations are under way for the Celebrate Hoodsport fireworks event to be held on Saturday July 6th. The Port will bring in extra port o pots to accommodate the hundreds of people who will be in town for the annual Celebrate Hoodsport event. The County inspector will be here to make sure the ADA Handicap sign at the handicap parking spot is approved by the State. Information will be sent to the septic designer to deliver the ‘as built’ specs to the County. Talking to business owners to host a Community Spaghetti dinner as a venue for business owners, port commissioners and the public to discuss the future of Hoodsport.
Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending 2013 (none to provide yet)
Old Business:
ADA Handicap parking sign is in and ready for County inspection
- ‘As built’ to be sent to County
Replace microchip in float controller – Has been done
New Business:
Next project for the Port and updating its Master Plan, this will be tabled for discussion at a later date, a public meeting will be held to revise what the public needs.
Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday June 18th at 9am.
Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:10am
2013 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
June 18th @ 9am, July 2nd @ 9am, July 23rd & 9am, August 13th @ 9am, August 27th @ 9am, September 10th @9am, September 24th @ 9am.
Minutes Approved: May 14, 2013
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil