2013 04 30

Date Published: January 28, 2014














April 30, 2013


Call to Order:


Meeting Held at:    Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA


Roll Call:     Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner O’Laughlin     

    Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:     K. LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                HP Maintenance & Janel’s Janitorial


Public:     Krag Unsoeld WSU 4H Forestry

                Linda Woytowich


Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 4-30-13 meeting agenda. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of April 9, 2013. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers April 2013(2of2) $4,125.07 Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.


Public Communication:

Krag Unsoeld walked the Hoodsport Trail Park to evaluate how to prioritize this summer’s projects with the 4H forestry group. The budget for this summer’s projects was re evaluated and reduced by $3200.00 and will consist of blazing a trail on the golf course side of the road, removal of invasive weeds and trail re routing due to winter storms. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the new proposal, Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.

Linda Woytowich is working on a signage at the Public restrooms to enhance tourist way finding. Local business owners will have an opportunity to buy a shingle with their name, etc. Suggestions were made by the Commissioners regarding adding websites with QR codes for people to access local business, state ferries, and state fishing information. Commissioner Petz made a motion to proceed with signage and a map developed for the public to view local businesses & organizations that can be visible to the public at the Public restrooms. A picnic table, trash can, bench and pet clean up dispensary will also be purchased for the public restroom area. Commissioner O’Lauglin seconded, the motion was unanimously approved.


Commissioner Reports:

Commissioner Brazil walked the Hoodsport Trail Park with Stymacks Tree to identify dangerous trees & where the trail needs to be renagotiated, he met up with a volunteer firefighter who desired to join a volunteer group to help clean the Hoodsport Trail Park. Commissioner O’Laughlin wanted to remind everyone there is a Kiwani’s fund raiser, the Spring Fling on Saturday May 18th which includes dinner and auction.


Port Maintenance Reports:

Maintenance reported 10 bales of straw was strewn at the Hoodsport Trail Park, scotch broom is starting to grow in the trail park and is being pulled out by hand. The upper landing area could use leveling out and grass seed has been spread for erosion control. Dangerous trees were cut out of the trail park, there are a few more along the creek. The bridge suffered damage from winter storms and needs to be repaired. Commissioner O’Laughlin will take a look to see what needs to be done. HP Maintenance requested an hourly rate increase. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve an increase to $20. Per hour for HP Maintenance, Commissioner Petz seconded the motion was unanimously approved. Bruce will check in to surveillance security cameras.


Port Operations Manager Report:

A grand opening celebration will be coordinated and held as soon as the Public restrooms are complete and operational. A large sign will be considered along the side of the public restrooms that will include local businesses and information for tourists. Meeting with WSDOT on placement of a Public restroom sign on Hwy 101. The ADA port o pot will be removed as soon the public restrooms are open. Crosswalk flags have been placed at the cross walk on Hwy 101 and State Rt. 119, two more for each crosswalk will be made. Hoodsport Trail Park brochures will be printed and ready for hikers. Washington Public Ports Assn. Finance and administrative seminar will be at the Alderbrook Resort on June 19-21, a request will be made for them to tour the Port of Hoodsport via the Lady Alderbrook. The shoreline master plan will be reviewed by the Port commissioners in an effort to continue to include perpetual Port input. There was a request made by Carroll Morand to have the local tribe create and erect a totem pole at the Port waterfront park. A Handicap parking sign will be purchased to meet County requirements at the Public restrooms.


Review of Expenditures/Revenue month ending March 2013


Old Business:


  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects:
  2. Septic Design: Commissioner Petz, the contractor & the septic designer are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.

    Permanent Restrooms: CXT Montrose installed, punch list being finalized

    Temporary Restrooms: 1 ADA Port o pot until permanent restroom is online

    Commissioner Petz summarized the current tasks in the process of the Permanent Restrooms; the General contractor is overseeing the septic system, the landing for the permanent restrooms, hook ups, plumbing and electrical.


New Business:

Discussed what could be the next project for the Port and updating its Master Plan, this will be tabled for discussion at a later date, a public meeting will be held to revise what the public needs.


Next Meetings:
Next meeting date is Tuesday May 14th at 9am.


Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 11:05am


2013 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:


May 14th @ 9am, May 28th @ 9am, June 4th @ 9am, June 18th @ 9am, July 2nd @ 9am, July 23rd & 9am, August 13th @ 9am, August 27th @ 9am, September 10th @9am, September 24th @ 9am.


Minutes Approved: February 12, 2012



________________________ _______________________ _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil