October 2, 2012
Call to Order: 9:00am Adjourned: 10:45am
Meeting Held at: Hoodsport Port Commissions Office 24113 N US Hwy 101 #A Hoodsport, WA
Roll Call: Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: KS LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
P. Hoff, HP Maintenance
Public: Krag Unsoeld ~ WSU 4H Forestry
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the 10-2-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.
Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of September 25, 2012. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the Vouchers October (1of1) $1,515.73 & Payroll Voucher $2,127.16. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.
Public Communication:
Krag Unsoeld, WSU 4H Forestry program director updated the Port Commissioners on the status of the native plants that were planted in July and reports they are doing well given the dryness & heat in the last two months. There are concerns identified as wheel tracks, people cutting firewood & garbage dumping all seeming to come from Dow Creek Resort campground. He went to the campground to find no supervision of these matters. Krag suggests barricades of boulders & logs at certain intervals where people can access the Hoodsport Trail Park. Signs will be posted stating there are surveillance cameras. The new HTP brochures can be given to campers at Dow Creek campground stating, ‘No All Terrain Vehicles’, ‘No Dumping Trash’, ‘No wood cutting’. There is concern the Scotch broom is present in the landing areas. Some of the 4H crews will work on eradicating the noxious plant. Ron Gold has been generous with his equipment to help spread mulch and 150 pounds of grass seed in the bare areas. There was discussion on the 17,000 evergreen trees that will be planted between Thanksgiving & Christmas; they will be monitored for crowding to keep them resilient.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner O’Laughlin secured a Christmas tree that will be donated by Hunter Farms to be planted at the Ports Marina Park for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony. The Port would like to erect a plaque stating the tree was ‘Donated by Hunter Farms’. He spoke to Clint Rand at the Kiwanis regarding pickup, delivery and planting which they are willing to do after the first frost. The lights are old and actually left burn marks on the tree last year. The Kiwanis requested the Port purchase new lights, ornaments & a tree topper; it was suggested to buy LED lights because they remain cool and ornaments that do not break. The Kiwanis will also be hanging Candy Canes along poles in town for the Holidays! Commissioner Brazil purchased a wireless surveillance camera for the Port dock which will be set up by the Port maintenance. Commissioner Brazil mentioned the Lake Cushman newsletter will need an update from the Port. Commissioner O’Laughlin would like to note that the current Commissioners have worked very well together in the last three years.
Port Maintenance Reports:
Dock repairs will start soon. Mulch and grass seed are being spread on bare landing areas. Bulbs will be purchased to plant for spring color in town. Flower baskets were ordered and will be delivered by Mothers Day. The surveillance camera will be installed at the dock.
Port Operations Manager Report:
The Shoreline Master Program originally written in 2006 is being reviewed by the Shoreline Management committee. A copy of it along with notes & comments was provided by Judy Scott (Port Commissioner from Allyn) to allow the Hoodsport Port Commissioners to review all paperwork and make comments and/or suggestions. Commissioner O’Laughlin suggested the Shoreline management is in good hands with Tim Sheldon and Taylor Station on board. Commissioner Petz stated when he was on the Shoreline Management committee there were recommendations made by committee members that weren’t being incorporated. The Commissioners will review the documents and make their recommendations to LaJane Shaffler. The WSPC Washington State Purchasing Contract was amended to include the specific Public Restroom facility desired to purchase by the Port of Hoodsport. All specifications are being reviewed to ensure the unit will be built with the exact features selected. A preliminary worksheet on Port projects was provided to be entered in to the 2013 Port budget. A more detailed budget will be presented at the next regular Port meeting.
Budget: Review of Expenditures/Revenue for the month ending September
Old Business:
- Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects:
Septic Design: Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.
Permanent Restrooms: CXT Montrose will be ordered.
Temporary Restrooms: Up & running & being monitored.
Commissioner Petz summarized the current tasks in the process of the Permanent Restrooms. Bid packages were reviewed on Thursday August 30th at 3pm. When a Contractor is selected, they will become the General contractor overseeing the septic system, the landing for the permanent restrooms, hook ups, plumbing and electrical. The Permanent prefab CXT restrooms options are being selected & will be ordered with a 90 day timeframe. Reference letters were collected for each of the bidders to help in the selection process. The low bidder had good recommendations and has a portfolio of jobs with the scope of work the Port is looking for. His recommendations had nothing derogatory to say to move on to the next bidder. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to award Kelly’s Excavation as the General Contractor. Based on the Bid Tabulation Sheet the Port awarded the job to the ‘low bidder’ which was Kelly’s Excavation, Commissioner Petz seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved. The Contractor will be meeting with the septic designer and architect for a pre construction meeting as soon as possible with a date to be determined.
New Business:
Next Meetings: Next meeting date is Tuesday October 9th at 9am.
Adjourn: Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:45am
2012 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:
October 9th@ 9am, November 20th @ 9am, December 11th @ 9am, January 14, 2013 @9am, February 12th @ 9 am, March 12th @ 9am, April 9th @ 9am, April 30th @ 9am.
Minutes Approved: September 25, 2012
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil