2012, 07 31

Date Published: October 20, 2012



July 31, 2012


Call to Order:   9:00am                                                      Adjourned: 10.35am

Meeting Held at:      Hoodsport Port Commissions Office


Roll Call:                               Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                      KS  LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

Pat Hoff, HP Maintenance



Public:                                   No Public present

Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 7-31-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz seconded, unanimously approved.


Minutes: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of July 17, 2012. Commissioner Brazil seconded, unanimously approved.


Vouchers: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Vouchers June (2of2), Office Space Voucher totaling $7,537.48 Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved.


Public Communication: 

No Public Communication

Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner Brazil answered a call from a citizen requesting to cut fire wood.  It is not legal for anyone to go into the Hoodsport trail park to cut wood. No chain saws or power tools in the park.  It is okay to gather fallen debris to use for a campfire.


Port Maintenance Reports:

Work continues to clean up and maintain the Hoodsport Trail Park.  Two cement picnic tables & benches and a trash receptacle will be delivered for the public to use at the Trail Park; the park will be closed on Thursday night August 3rd for delivery & set up as the tables/benches weigh 2500 lbs each.  A sign will be posted today regarding the temporary closure. The contractor who repaired the dock has been notified of boards/bolts are separating and in need of repair.  Two overflows at the temporary restrooms were reported.  Vandalism to the Public restrooms was reported.




Port Operations Manager Report:

A citizen complained about a wire hanging down from the power lines over Port property.  It was determined it was severed when the ‘Hoodsport Inn’ was burned down and had been hanging for approximately 5 years.  The cable belonged to CenturyLink and was disconnected prior to the Celebrate Hoodsport event.

West Realty requested having PUD#1 affix a street light to the Port’s power pole by the public restroom.

The WSU 4H Forestry crew reported they have three crews working at the Hoodsport Trail Park and are reconfiguring trails & connecting the trail loops, the 200 year old Maple tree will have its own area of interest with a plaque.  3500 native plants were planted the week ending July 27th, another 1500 will be delivered and planted by August 3rd.  Krag Onsoeld, the crew coordinator will be at the next regular Port meeting to give a Status report to the Commissioners.  The trees are starting to bush out with the extra sunshine.  The Commissioners are invited to walk the trail with the 4H crew and are invited to attend their graduation.

The Hoodsport Community Events Assn. was invited to today’s meeting for a follow up synopsis of the Celebrate Hoodsport event, there was no one present to represent the committee, they are invited to the next Regular Port Commission meeting to review the 2012 fireworks event & set a date for next year.  An ‘Events Application’ will be offered at the Waterfront park kiosk and Port office to groups desiring to use the Port property for their future events.

After a three week state audit, the state auditor’s recommendation was that the district needs to take action to recover the per diem over payments to commissioners as per the recommendation in the Hotline Audit issued in February 2009 to the district.   Recovery of funds will be discussed with the Port’s attorney on how to proceed.

After discussion with the Port’s insurance company, it was suggested to keep the ‘fire line’ on the Hoodsport dock operational for the Public and Port’s use in the event of an Emergency.  The fire line will be drained down in the fall and charged up in the spring.

An Asset Management Policy will be put in place as per the auditor’s request.

After review of a proposal from ARFF – Security Surveillance Camera Company, a motion was made by Commissioner Petz to purchase 2 surveillance cameras for the Hoodsport Trail Park, Commissioner O’ Laughlin seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.  The Port Operations manager will be out of town from August 8–13, 2012.


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue for the month ending mid June 2012


Old Business:


  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.

Commissioner Petz summarized the current tasks in the process of the Permanent Restrooms.  Bid packages will be ready to go next week, all three Commissioners will review and approve them prior to putting it out to bid. There is a 3 week process, 1 week to consider the bids during a Regular Commission meeting.  A time line can now be laid out once the Contractor is selected; he will be the General contractor overseeing the septic system, the landing for the permanent restrooms, hook ups, plumbing and electrical.  The Permanent prefab CXT restrooms will be ordered with a 90 day timeframe. It is agreed that an Auto locking system should be included in the CXT package Commissioner’s O’Laughlin and Brazil expressed deep appreciation to Commissioner Petz for all of his efforts in the Public Restroom process.


New Business:



Next Meetings:  Next meeting date is Tuesday August 7 at 9am.


Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin seconded, unanimously approved, meeting adjourned at 10:30am




2012 Regular Port Commission Meetings are scheduled as follows:


August 7th @ 9am, August 21st @ 9am




Minutes Approved: July 17, 2012



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil