2012, 03 13

Date Published: May 3, 2012



March 13, 2012


Call to Order:   9:00am                                                      Adjourned: 12:00pm


Roll Call:                               Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                Commissioner Brazil                  excused absence

Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                      KS Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                                Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                   Mark McDougall ~ Model T Pub

Mike Purvis ~ IGA

Victoria McLeod ~ Hoodsport Community Events Assn.

Arla Shepard, Kathleen Parks, Chuck Engel

Travis Wilson

Approval of Agenda:  Comissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 3-13-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz approved.


Minutes: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of February 14, 2012. Commissioner Brazil approved via telephone conference (signature to follow).


Vouchers: Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers February (2of2), March (1of1) Commissioner O’Laughlin approved.


Public Communication: 

Victoria MacLeod with the Hoodsport Community Events Assn. formally requested to use the Port’s dock for the 27th Annual 4th of July fireworks celebration on Saturday June 30, 2012 at a meeting in July 2011 & in an email dated February 10, 2012. After much discussion in today’s Port meeting between Mark M., Chuck E., Mike Purvis, Victoria M. & the Port Commissioners, it was decided to change the 27th Annual 4th of July fireworks celebration to Saturday July 7, 2012.  Parking, Crowd Control, Vendors, Tourism, Traffic safety, the best Public use of the Port dock & Marina, the responsibility by the Port of Hoodsport to the Public & Opening day of Crabbing season were all taken into consideration before changing the date.  The Port of Hoodsport dock & Marina will be open to the Public all day Saturday July 7, 2012 until 6pm. The Events Committee is responsible for creating a parking & traffic plan for safety of the public and suitable to all business owners, will be assisting the Port in clearing the dock by 6pm, will assure there are no fireworks on or around the dock & Marina after the event, will coordinate transit busses for the public, will hire police officers for security & traffic control & parking management, will post signs ‘No Parking or Vehicles will be impounded’ & hire a impound certified tow truck.  The Port will hire 2 off duty Sheriffs from 4pm – 2am for security around the Marina & dock, clear the dock for pyro technicians after 6pm, ensure the dock & Public restrooms are clean & accessible, The Port will assist Officers to direct throughput traffic at Hwy 101 & State Rt. 119.  The Port of Hoodsport and the Hoodsport Community Events Assn. will have a joint coordination meeting on May 8th at 6:15pm at the IGA meeting room.

Travis Wilson is working on updating the Port of Hoodsport website and accessing permission to use the underwater sea life video on the Port’s website.

Commissioner Petz suggested a walkthrough of the trail park after the next meeting with the Commissioners and Public to put together a Hoodsport Trail “project schedule” that the Public is invited to review and make suggestions on.


Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner Petz is working with the architect on the septic project for the public restrooms, drafts were provided to the County for comment. Discussed foundation issues, a new Geotech report was requested by the County. An Easement & Lease will be provided for review. Pumpout information will be provided to the septic designer.  Lines will be marked for visual aid.

A walk through of the Hoodsport Trail Park will be scheduled after the next regular Port meeting on April 10th  to assess timelines on projects to beautify the trail park.


Port Maintenance Reports:

Discussion on the Spring projects that will take place as soon as weather permits.  A possible water/power source will be explored for the Hoodsport Trail park to make maintenance easier. Concrete tables, garbage cans & benches will be ordered for the trail park and transit stop. Beautification of the Marina park will continue & the bird wire on the dock will be repaired.


Port Operations Manager Report:

All Port’s meeting hosted by the Port of Hoodsport is re scheduled for Tuesday May 22nd.

Discussed the reforestation proposal. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the reforestation proposal by B. Carlsen to re plant the Hoodsport Trail Park with shade and disease tolerant trees, Commissioner Petz approved. Fire Chief Pinedo confirmed that Fire District #1 will perform a fire line inspection on the Port dock annually as a Drill to their department.  Carl Parker with the Kiwanis will spearhead the Candy Cane project and rebuild & store Port owned Candy canes as festive decorations during the Holidays. Washington State University 4H Group will be invited to the next meeting to walk through the Hoodsport Trail park for evaluation on their project.


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue for the month ending February 2012


Old Business:


  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.

Commissioner Petz attended a pre application conference with the County building departments to go over all issues to tie together the septic system and permanent restroom.  Paperwork, reports & permits are being requested by appropriate parties to move forward with the septic system & purchase of permanent Public restrooms.  A public hearing will be held April 24, 2012 regarding the Shoreline permit & Variance.  The Septic system is a priority and a final scenario in order to install the permanent restrooms by the summer of 2012.


New Business:


Next Meetings:  Next meeting date is Tuesday April 10th at 9am.




2012 Tuesday Meetings are scheduled as follows:

April 10th @ 9am,

May 8th @ 6:15pm at IGA (Coordination meeting with Hoodsport Community Events Committee

May 22nd @ 4pm .


Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin approved, meeting adjourned at 12:00pm



Minutes Approved: February 14, 2012



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil



March 13, 2012


Call to Order:   9:00am                                                      Adjourned: 12:00pm


Roll Call:                               Commissioner O’Laughlin         

                                                Commissioner Brazil                  excused absence

                                               Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                      KS Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager

                                                Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                   Mark McDougall ~ Model T Pub

                                                Mike Purvis ~ IGA

                                                Victoria McLeod ~ Hoodsport Community Events Assn.

                                                Arla Shepard, Kathleen Parks, Chuck Engel

                                                Travis Wilson

Approval of Agenda:  Comissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the 3-13-12 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz approved.


Minutes:Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the minutes of February 14, 2012. Commissioner Brazil approved via telephone conference (signature to follow).


Vouchers:Commissioner Petz made a motion to approve the Vouchers February (2of2), March (1of1) Commissioner O’Laughlin approved.


Public Communication: 

Victoria MacLeod with the Hoodsport Community Events Assn. formally requested to use the Port’s dock for the 27th Annual 4th of July fireworks celebration on Saturday June 30, 2012 at a meeting in July 2011 & in an email dated February 10, 2012. After much discussion in today’s Port meeting between Mark M., Chuck E., Mike Purvis, Victoria M. & the Port Commissioners, it was decided to change the 27th Annual 4th of July fireworks celebration to Saturday July 7, 2012.  Parking, Crowd Control, Vendors, Tourism, Traffic safety, the best Public use of the Port dock & Marina, the responsibility by the Port of Hoodsport to the Public & Opening day of Crabbing season were all taken into consideration before changing the date.  The Port of Hoodsport dock & Marina will be open to the Public all day Saturday July 7, 2012 until 6pm. The Events Committee is responsible for creating a parking & traffic plan for safety of the public and suitable to all business owners, will be assisting the Port in clearing the dock by 6pm, will assure there are no fireworks on or around the dock & Marina after the event, will coordinate transit busses for the public, will hire police officers for security & traffic control & parking management, will post signs ‘No Parking or Vehicles will be impounded’ & hire a impound certified tow truck.  The Port will hire 2 off duty Sheriffs from 4pm – 2am for security around the Marina & dock, clear the dock for pyro technicians after 6pm, ensure the dock & Public restrooms are clean & accessible, The Port will assist Officers to direct throughput traffic at Hwy 101 & State Rt. 119.  The Port of Hoodsport and the Hoodsport Community Events Assn. will have a joint coordination meeting on May 8th at 6:15pm at the IGA meeting room.

Travis Wilson is working on updating the Port of Hoodsport website and accessing permission to use the underwater sea life video on the Port’s website.

Commissioner Petz suggested a walkthrough of the trail park after the next meeting with the Commissioners and Public to put together a Hoodsport Trail “project schedule” that the Public is invited to review and make suggestions on.   


Commissioner Reports:  

Commissioner Petz is working with the architect on the septic project for the public restrooms, drafts were provided to the County for comment. Discussed foundation issues, a new Geotech report was requested by the County. An Easement & Lease will be provided for review. Pumpout information will be provided to the septic designer.  Lines will be marked for visual aid.

A walk through of the Hoodsport Trail Park will be scheduled after the next regular Port meeting on April 10th  to assess timelines on projects to beautify the trail park.


Port Maintenance Reports:

Discussion on the Spring projects that will take place as soon as weather permits.  A possible water/power source will be explored for the Hoodsport Trail park to make maintenance easier. Concrete tables, garbage cans & benches will be ordered for the trail park and transit stop. Beautification of the Marina park will continue & the bird wire on the dock will be repaired.


Port Operations Manager Report:  

All Port’s meeting hosted by the Port of Hoodsport is re scheduled for Tuesday May 22nd.

Discussed the reforestation proposal. Commissioner O’Laughlin made a motion to approve the reforestation proposal by B. Carlsen to re plant the Hoodsport Trail Park with shade and disease tolerant trees, Commissioner Petz approved. Fire Chief Pinedo confirmed that Fire District #1 will perform a fire line inspection on the Port dock annually as a Drill to their department.  Carl Parker with the Kiwanis will spearhead the Candy Cane project and rebuild & store Port owned Candy canes as festive decorations during the Holidays. Washington State University 4H Group will be invited to the next meeting to walk through the Hoodsport Trail park for evaluation on their project.


Budget:    Review of Expenditures/Revenue for the month ending February 2012


Old Business:


  1. Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects: 

Septic Design:  Commissioner Petz & the architect are moving forward as per requirements made at the pre conference meeting with Mason County.

Permanent Restrooms:  CXT Montrose is the consideration.

Temporary Restrooms:  Up & running & being monitored.

Commissioner Petz attended a pre application conference with the County building departments to go over all issues to tie together the septic system and permanent restroom.  Paperwork, reports & permits are being requested by appropriate parties to move forward with the septic system & purchase of permanent Public restrooms.  A public hearing will be held April 24, 2012 regarding the Shoreline permit & Variance.  The Septic system is a priority and a final scenario in order to install the permanent restrooms by the summer of 2012. 


New Business: 


Next Meetings:  Next meeting date is Tuesday April 10th at 9am.




2012 Tuesday Meetings are scheduled as follows:

April 10th @ 9am,

May 8th @ 6:15pm at IGA (Coordination meeting with Hoodsport Community Events Committee

May 22nd @ 4pm .


Adjourn: Commissioner Petz made a motion to adjourn the Regular Port meeting. Commissioner O’Laughlin approved, meeting adjourned at 12:00pm



Minutes Approved: February 14, 2012



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil