May 24, 2011
Call to Order: 9:02am Adjourned: 10:35am
Roll Call: Commissioner O’Laughlin – Excused Absence
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance
Public: Travis Wilson, Linda Woytowich, Holly & Robert Reed
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the 5-24-11 meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz approved.
Public Communication: Discussion by the Reeds regarding 4th of July Off Duty Police Officers. Events Committee will coordinate their hired Officers with Ports hired officers. Holly will contact Commissioner O’Laughlin
Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of May 10, 2011. Commissioner Petz approved.
Vouchers: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Voucher dated May 24, 2011 (2of2), Commissioner Petz approved.
Commissioner Reports: Commissioners Brazil & O’Laughlin attended the ‘All Ports’ meeting in Allyn. Commissioner Petz who as a citizen sits on the Shoreline Management Plan Committee conveyed that they thanked the Port for changing their regularly scheduled meetings from Wednesdays to Tuesdays.
Commissioner Brazil will not be at the June 28th Port meeting.
Port Operations Manager Report: Discussion as to which Administrative seminar was more informative with less time constraints for Kathleen to attend.
Dept. of Natural Resources have issued a ‘Notice’ to salvage harvest at Hoodsport Trail Park, are waiting for public response & will give a final Notice of decision by 6-9-11.
Annual Audit Questionnaire will be processed and the previous Exec. Director will be called for more information if needed.
Port Maintenance Reports: Pat Hoff discussed the rotten wood on the bridge at the Marina Park. She will either remove it or block entrance to prevent anyone from walking on it. The ground has been trenched for the sprinklers & she is moving forward with the Marina beautification project.
Old Business:
- A presentation & proposal was given by Travis Wilson, website designer. Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve & authorize a check for $228.00 to begin work on website development, Commissioner Petz approved the motion.
- Linda Woytowich presented a signage proposal to re vamp the Marina signage to make it more user friendly and aesthetically appealing. Linda will make some changes & email a sample to be discussed at the June 14th meeting.
- Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design, Temporary & Permanent Restroom Projects:
Septic Design: County Enviro Health Specialist is reviewing the Easement, Site Design, & Geotech reports. She is waiting for the design revision from Jim Ayers (Kathleen to check with Jim regarding revision.
Permanent Restrooms: Rebecca at County Planning Dept requires a Pre Inspection Application prior to meeting on site. Will require a Site drawings in both locations. Commissioner Brazil made a motion to authorize an architect to do site plans for Option 1 and Option 2 that meets the County requirements. Design not to exceed $500. Commissioner Petz approved the motion. Commr Petz will contact the architect.
Temporary Restrooms: Commissioner Brazil suggests installing the temporary restrooms to be placed in the same area as last year providing IGA gives permission.
Kathleen will contact Mike Purvis for permission, have a timeline for delivery of temporary restrooms, inquire about shortening the time period of lease. Pat to check with Joe’s septic to see if there is an extension holding tank to eliminate pumping as frequently as last year.
New Business: None
Setting Dates Next Meetings: Next meetings dates are Tuesday June 14th & June 28th @ 9:00am
Executive Session: None
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Petz made the second, meeting adjourned at 10:35am
Minutes Approved: May 10, 2011
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil