April 26, 2011
Call to Order: 9:30am Adjourned: 10:50am
Roll Call: Commissioner O’Laughlin
Commissioner Brazil
Commissioner Petz
Staff Present: Kathleen Wyatt LeMaster, Port Operations Manager
Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the meeting agenda. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.
Public Communiation: None
Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of April 13, 2011. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.
Vouchers: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the Voucher dated April 26, 2011 3of 3 Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.
Public Communication: None
Commissioner Reports:
Discussion regarding clarification that when there is an operational decision to be made , the ‘Chair’ Commissioner O’Laughlin can make an operational decision when there is a sensitive timeline to be met as in the case of the Hoodsport Events Association requesting a date for fireworks and an answer immediately so they could make arrangements with scheduling, printing & advertisement commitments. The Commissioners support the decision as Sunday is a logical time to have fireworks off the Port dock so others may utilize the dock throughout the week end.
Commissioner O’Laughlin attended the Hoodsport Business Assn. meeting, there was discussion regarding the Hoodsport Business Association & the Hoodsport Events Association merging to form a Community Council. They may request the use of the Port of Hoodsport dock on different dates for an Annual ‘Hoodsport Days’.
Commissioner O’Laughlin met with Forrest McCullough “NW Land & Tree Service’, they will be starting to work on the Hoodsport Trail, work will take approx. 4-6 weeks. Commissioner John O’Laughlin will be out of town June 2-17, 2011.
Port Operations Manager Report:
- Discussion on Permanent ‘Rules’ Sign at Marina. Mark & Linda Woytowich to will be contacted to bring ideas to make a friendly sign listing all rules & regulations.
- Discussion on purchasing real estate. First, we will do a study for the highest & best use to the public IF a property was purchased in Hoodsport. Kathleen will put together a one page Prospectus, if its feasible, the Port will check with the County for zoning issues and have an Appraisal prepared.
- Discussion on Website content challenges. Travis Wilson, computer technician is helping Kathleen and will make a website presentation at an upcoming meeting.
- There is one phone line for the phone and fax machine, we will scan documents and email them to avoid installing another phone line.
- LaJane Schopfer, Senior planner with Mason county Community Development Department will be speaking at a June Port meeting regarding Shoreline Master program update.
- Discussion regarding the Port of Hoodsport Ad in the Beacon Newspaper. Commissioner Petz made a motion to drop the ad from the newspaper, Commissioner Brazil made the second, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
- Discussion/Direction Regarding the Septic Design & Permanent Restroom Project:
Septic design status (Geotech Report, County Site Approval, Modified Bid packages)
Upon receipt & instruction, bid packages will be put ‘Out to Bid’ through MRSC rosters
The Geotech report was completed and will be mailed to the Port’s mailbox.
The Perpetual Easement’s rough draft is done and being reviewed by the Commissioners and the Ports attorney.
Discussion to look at other Options for public restrooms. Will continue with septic, it will support whichever scenario is the best choice.
Enduris (Ports Insurance Co.) will review all contracts (Easement, Temporary & Permanent restroom facilities) prior to Port of Hoodsport signing contracts to insure Ports liability insurance is adequate & there is built in insurance on the contractors side in case of negligence.
- Commissioner O’Laughlin met with Geri Purvis, IGA will purchase all flowers for the plantars for the Port of Hoodsport at wholesale prices, Pat to coordinate with Geri.
- Pat will also check in to Astro turf which was considered from an economic standpoint. Pat will cost out two scenarios’ for cost effectiveness. 1)Lawn, maintenance, water, etc. 2) Astro turf, maintenance, etc.
- The Hoodsport Trail park opened 4-25-11 per Pat Hoff, it’s still very wet.
New Business:
Setting Dates Next Meetings:There was a consensus of the Commission to meet on the following dates May 10th & May 25th, 2011.
Executive Session: None
Adjourn: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Petz made the second, meeting adjourned at 10:50am
Minutes Approved: April 13, 2011
________________________ _______________________ _____________________
Commissioner O’Laughlin Commissioner Petz Commissioner Brazil