2011, 01 5

Date Published: May 4, 2012



January 5, 2011


Call to Order:   9:32am                                                                    Adjourned:  10:40am


Roll Call:                                         Commissioner O’Laughlin

                                                         Commissioner Brazil

Commissioner Petz


Staff Present:                                  Rich McEachin, Executive Director

Kathleen LeMaster, Port Oporations

                                                         Pat Hoff, Port Maintenance


Public:                                             Clint Rand, Kiwanis


Approval of Agenda:  Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Commissioner Petz. Passed


Public Communication:  No Public Comments



Commissioner Reports:


Commissioner Brazil wanted to thank the newspaper reporter for the story on the Port.

Commissioner Petz: No Report

Commissioner O’Laughlin: No Report


Executive Director Report: Only item was regarding a hit and run out the railing at the Pier. Commissioners had some suggestions for businesses that may repair such damage. Pat Hoff will follow up and get the rail reapaired.



Consent Agenda:


Minutes: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the minutes of December 15, 2010. Commissioner Petz made the second, passed unanimously.

Vouchers: Commissioner Brazil made a motion to approve the voucher dated January 7, 2010. Petz made the second, passed unanimously.



Old Business:


1. Discussion and Direction Regarding Restroom and Septic Projects:

Petz reported he met with possible contractor on the septic system regarding relocation of the tank, changing size of tanks, using gravel for drain field, etc. He also has been in contact with Jim Ayers regarding same changes. The only issue Ayers had was using gravel in the drain field. Ayers is to get with contractor and go over the changes. . Petz contacted Ayers yesterday and Ayers is waiting contractor info to move forward. The permit should be able to be issued in 10 to 15 days according to Ayers. Petz will stay in touch with Ayers and keep things moving. There was consensus that the Port will be paying for the septic system.


Petz spoke about design costs on the restroom project and wondered if those costs are in the original printout. There was discussion on the CXT building and the tasks to accomplish on the restroom project. There was also discussion regarding building a two story building with office’s on the second floor as well as possibly leasing space from IGA for a Port office. Kathleen will contact IGA and ask about the design costs as well as the possibility of leasing space. Rich will contact CXT to find out how fast building and delivery would by on the pre-fab structure.


2. Port Operations Manager’s Contract:


Brazil made the motion to approve the contract as presented with Petz making the second. Passed and contract was signed.


New Business:


1.         Christmas Tree at the Pier:


Clint Rand stated that the Kiwanis was still interested in placing a permanent tree on the Port property by the pier. There was discussion and a consensus to move forward with putting a tree in a large planter at the location.


There was also discussion regarding continuing to use the pier for the 4th of July Fireworks. Concern was voiced that too many people shoot off their own fireworks as well as a lot of alcohol being consumed because of the fireworks display. The issue will be visited when a request comes in for the 4th of July use of the pier.


2.         County request for participation in the Shoreline Management Update Committee.


It was suggested that Kathleen get in touch with Dick Patterson and see if he is interested in sitting on that committee.


It was stated that the Sheriff’s Department will be holding a “fundraiser at the dock” sometime in the future.




Brazil made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Petz. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 am


Minutes Approved: January 19, 2011



________________________  _______________________  _____________________

Commissioner O’Laughlin        Commissioner Petz                  Commissioner Brazil