October 22, 2008
Call to Order: 9:33am Adjourned: 10:38am
Roll Call: Commissioner Benavente
Commissioner Hamlin
Commissioner Wyatt
Staff Present: Rich McEachin, Executive Director
Terry Veitz, Admin. Assistant
Public: Mike Petz, Citizen
John O’Laughlin, Citizen
Tom Sheldon, Citizen
Kathy Fertitta, Citizen
Gary Carlberg, Citizen
Jeff Green, Mason County Journal
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the agenda, with the reference that a conference call with legal counsel for the purposes of an Executive Session would be at 10:00am. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Public Communication:
Mike Petz stated that he had emailed an updated analysis regarding the building purchase to Commissioner Benavente and Wyatt. He handed out copies to the Commission and Admin. Asst. asking that it become part of the record. (The analysis is attached to these minutes). He told the Commission how the updated analysis was different than the one he submitted at the last meeting and said the purchase would put the Port in a negative position.
John O’Laughlin related his concerns regarding the Commissions pay increasing in mid 2008 and asked how could they justify it. Commissioner Benavente responded that the per diem is set by State law. The Commission passed a Resolution that adjusted the per diem to the maximum allowed by law. He also stated that it doesn’t mean each Commissioner would be paid at the maximum level each year. Some of the meetings attended by the Commissioners, other than the 2 monthly regular Port meetings, are RTPO, WRIA-16, and EDC.
Tom Sheldon expressed his concerns with the change in pay for Commissioners. He feels a Resolution should be passed to approve meetings that the Commissioners may attend. He expressed his concerns regarding purchase of the building and property. He agreed with Mike Petz and his analysis.
Kathy Fertitta agreed with Mike Petz’s analysis. She feels the money spent on purchase of the building and property would be better spent on the many other project planned by the Port. She expressed her concern that the 2009 Preliminary Budget includes the purchase of the building and property. She also expressed concern that Commissioner Wyatt had to recuse himself from most items on the last meeting agenda due to a potential conflict, which leaves only 2 Commissioners to vote on the purchase. She asked what information the Port has received to confirm that the car wash would be able to get $300 per month. Commissioner Benavente responded that the Port doesn’t have any information from the seller, but he knows a party that would be interested in leasing the car wash for that amount.
Gary Carlberg stated he felt Mr. Petz’s analysis was good and the Commission should not purchase the building and property. Commissioner Benavente stated that they were looking at many issues related to the purchase and it is more than a short term issue. It is also a matter of what it might bring the Port in the long term.
Recess Regular meeting and convene Executive Session: At 10:00am, Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to recess the Regular meeting and convene the Executive Session conference call with legal counsel per RCW 42.30.110 section (1)subsection(I). Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously. Commissioner Benavente stated the Executive Session would last approximately 15 minutes.
Adjourn Executive Session and Reconvene Regular Meeting: At 10:15am, Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and reconvene the Regular meeting. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Wyatt stated that he attended the Solid Waste Advisory Board meeting, the Economic Development Council meeting/luncheon, and the WRIA-16 meeting. He offered the agendas for those meetings to the Commission.
Commissioner Hamlin had no report.
Commissioner Benavente stated that he attended the Mason County Parks Advisory meeting.
Executive Director Report:
Executive Director McEachin reported that he gave a presentation regarding the RCO grant and should hear something within the next week or so as to whether the grant is awarded to the Port. He also attended the EDC meeting/luncheon. The Exec. Director made a clarification of the 2008 amended budget, to those who raised concerns earlier in the meeting. He stated that he brought forth the amendments due to many substantial changes prior to his hiring as Exec. Dir. and he felt it was the right thing to do. He also clarified that a public hearing was held for the 2008 amended budget.
Consent Agenda:
Minutes: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the October 8, 2008 minutes, as presented. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Vouchers: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the vouchers as submitted. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Amendment to the Building Purchase and Sales Agreement: Commissioner Wyatt stated that he was recusing himself from this issue due to a potential conflict. Commissioner Benavente stated that this was an option to extend the agreement for the purchase of the building. Executive Director McEachin related how the extension had been amended from the original, to meet the law. Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the extension. Commissioner Benavente stated that he would not 2nd the motion. The motion died for lack of a second. There was a consensus of the Commission to direct the Exec. Director to work with legal counsel to take the appropriate steps now necessary.
New Business:
1. Direction from the Commission regarding the Preliminary 2009 Budget: Executive Director McEachin explained the proposed budget for 2009. He mentioned that due to the sales agreement not being extended, that item would be eliminated from the proposed budget. He stated that a Public Hearing has been advertised and will run a second time in the local paper and the Public Hearing will take place at the next Port meeting on November 12th. He would then send the budget to the County to meet the deadlines established. The Commissioners had no further input regarding the budget at this time.
2. Resolution to approve the purchase of the All-Star Building/Property: Executive Director McEachin stated that this was the final step to purchase the building/property. He read the Resolution by Title. Commissioner Wyatt stated that he was recusing himself from any discussion or action on this issue due to a potential conflict. Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to Not approve the purchase. Commissioner Benavente made a second. Commissioners Benavente and Hamlin voted in favor of No purchase, Commissioner Wyatt abstained. Gary Carlberg stated that he commended the Commissioners on their decision to not purchase the building. He added that he felt the Commission now has a very energized group of people to help them move the Port forward. Mike Petz, Gary Carlberg and Kathy Fertitta stated that they were going to join the EAB. Kathy also asked if anyone had looked at the blue building in Hoodsport for a possible Port office location.
Adjourn: Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 10:38am
Minutes Approved: November 12, 2008
________________________ _______________________ ______________________
Commissioner Benavente Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt