September 10, 2008
Call to Order: 9:30am Adjourned: 10:01am
Roll Call: Commissioner Benavente
Commissioner Hamlin
Commissioner Wyatt
Staff Present: Rich McEachin, Exec. Director
Terry Veitz, Admin. Asst.
Public: Tim Sheldon – County Commissioner
Roselynne Reed – Public
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Public Communication: Tim Sheldon thanked the Commission for getting the information he requested to him, but he added that he also wanted time sheet documentation on Commissioner Benavente. He discussed the per diem and requested documentation of what meetings were attended. Commissioner Benavente said that the Port has a networking process with that information. Mr. Sheldon stated that the information he is seeking was part of the public records request he submitted at the last meeting. Executive Director McEachin stated that he would get that information to Mr. Sheldon. Mr. Sheldon also stated that he thought the Commission would be discussing the feasibility issue at this meeting, but it isn’t on the agenda. Executive Director McEachin stated that he just received 3 bids and they were in review. The issue would come before the Commission once that review was complete.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Wyatt reported that he attended the WRIA-16 meeting in which the Watershed Management Plan was discussed. He also attended the Mason County Commissioners meeting in which 7 items were approved. He added that there was an Emergency appropriation approved for the Courthouse. He also attended the PUD 1 Commission meeting in which a rate increase was discussed. The increase would come into effect at the end of this month. He offered the materials he got at all meetings attended for anyone to review.
Commissioner Hamlin reported that he met with the Lake Cushman Maintenance Board and discussions included the Port’s projects, access to any improvements and how they would benefit Lake Cushman. It was reported that Terry Brazil is the appointed liaison from Lake Cushman and would be working with Commissioner Hamlin regarding communications.
Commissioner Benavente had no report.
Executive Director Report: Exec. Director McEachin reported that Mason County approved 2 parks within the Host Park program and one of the Parks is Foothill Park. He submitted a copy of an article in the Seattle Times regarding Hoodsport and Hoods Canal to each Commissioner and stated it was a good public relations article. The Hoodsport Trail Park issue is still awaiting approval from the Federal level. An attorney has been assigned to review the documentation before it is finalized. Executive Director McEachin stated that a Commissioner requested that he draft some documentation outlining what he actually does for the Port, so if anyone from the public were to ask, it would be documented. He furnished each Commissioner with that information for the month of August 2008.
Consent Agenda:
Minutes: Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the August 27, 2008 minutes.
Commissioner Benavente stated that he had a correction to be made. The last sentence of page one should read “discharge permit” and the meeting was in “Shelton”, not Alderbrook. Commissioner Hamlin amended his motion to include “with corrections” as provided. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Vouchers: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve Voucher 9-01 for September 10, 2008. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
There was no old business.
New Business:
Seek legal counsel regarding purchase of the Port office building: Commissioner Wyatt abstained from discussion or action regarding this issue. Executive Director McEachin stated that he contacted the Port’s attorney of record, who wasn’t interested in conducting any legal tasks regarding the purchase of the building. He was to send Director McEachin an email of someone he would recommend. However, that email was never received. Director McEachin then contacted Art Blauvelt. Mr. Blauvelt is the attorney for the Port of Grays Harbor and for the City of Ocean Shores. Executive Director McEachin provided the Commission with an email response from Mr. Blauvelt that stated he was interested in assisting the Port of Hoodsport with the building purchase issue. Executive Director McEachin recommended that the Commission direct him to meet with Mr. Blauvelt regarding the building purchase issue and get a written legal opinion from him. Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to have the Executive Director meet with Mr. Art Blauvelt regarding the building purchase issue only. Commissioner Benavente made the second, passed 2 in the affirmative, Commissioner Wyatt abstained.
New public records request form and fees: Executive Director McEachin reported to the Commissioners that he researched passed Port Resolutions and could not find anything that covered public records requests and/or fees. He stated that he felt it was important to have such a process in order to keep good records accountability as well as offset the costs of disseminating information to the public. He further stated that he could provide a form and cost schedule at the next meeting. Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to Table the issue until the next meeting. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 10:01am
Executive Session:
Minutes Approved: September 24, 2008
_______________________ _____________________ ___________________
Commissioner Benavente Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt