August 27, 2008
Call to Order: 9:31am Adjourned: 10:04am
Roll Call: Commissioner Benavente
Commissioner Hamlin
Commissioner Wyatt
Staff Present: Rich McEachin, Exec. Director
Terry Veitz, Admin. Asst.
Public: Terry Brazil – Lake Cushman Board
Tim Sheldon – County Commissioner
Dick Patterson – Hoodsport Winery
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Hamlin made the motion to approve the meeting agenda as published. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Public Communication: Tim Sheldon requested copies of the August 13th minutes and was provided a yet to be approved copy for his review. He stated he wished to be more involved in the Port meetings. He asked numerous questions regarding per diem pay and the budget and agreed to put forth a public records request.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Wyatt reported that he attended the WRIA-16 meeting. He mentioned that the video of Hoods Canal was soon to be released. Attended the Lilliwaup Community meeting, EDC meeting in which Congressman Norm Dicks attended. He attended the PUD Board meeting and they discussed the Water System review and the new 4 acre storage facility for the PUD.
Commissioner Hamlin had no report.
Commissioner Benavente reported that the fire proof permit and discharge issue was discussed at a meeting he attended in Alderbrook.
Executive Director Report: Exec. Director McEachin reported that he will give his final presentation regarding the RCO grant for the new restroom on October 9, 2008 in Olympia. He also reported on a Supreme Court ruling regarding Shoreline Management.
Consent Agenda:
Minutes: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the August 13, 2008 minutes. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Vouchers: Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve Voucher 8-02 in the amount of $3,819.55. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Old Business: Commissioner Benavente expressed that there were some public concerns regarding the Port purchasing the Port Office property and car wash. He expressed his desire to have more information put forth regarding the purchase to answer those concerns. The preliminary title report is in hand, but the appraisal is not complete. He also stated that possibly the Port should look at having another appraiser step in too. Exec. Director McEachin noted that he contacted MRSC/WPPA and the Port of Allyn regarding the purchase and all agreed the Port was within its authority to make the purchase. He further said that the press release headline was not favorable, but the context of the article was correct. Commissioner Wyatt spoke up and removed himself from any discussions regarding the purchase of property. Commissioner Benavente stated that the Port needs to clarify the intent in a better way, get documents together and provide it to those in the public who wish to have it. He further stated that the car wash could be leased out or take it out completely at some point. Any revenue that would be gained by the car wash was never included in the financials of acquisition of the property.
Dick Patterson asked what the land designation is and Tim Sheldon responded that the property is RC-2 commercial. Commissioner Benavente stated that an independent appraisal is the only requirement at this time and that is being done.
New Business:
Executive Session:
Adjourn: Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 10:04am
Minutes Approved: September 10, 2008