2008, 08 13

Date Published: July 21, 2012



August 13, 2008


Call to Order: 9:30am                                                                      Adjourned: 10:14am


Roll Call:                                    Commissioner Benavente

Commissioner Hamlin

Commissioner Wyatt


Staff Present:                              Rich McEachin, Exec Director

Terry Veitz, Admin Asst.


Public:                                         Terry Brazil, Lake Cushman

Tim Sheldon, County Com/Senator


Approval of Agenda:

Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the meeting agenda. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Public Communication:

There was nobody present wishing to speak.


Commissioner Reports:


Commissioner Hamlin: Reported that he attended a public meeting at Lake Cushman and commented on the many people who attended and showed interest.


Commissioner Wyatt: Reported that he attended the Mason County Commissioners meeting on Aug. 12th. The Commission moved agenda item 8.2 regarding lake management to the Sept. 9th meeting. He also attended the PUD Commission meeting in which they discussed potential rate increases.



Tim Sheldon arrived and signed in. Commissioner Benavente asked if he wished to speak to the Commission and he replied that he did. Commissioner Benavente said they would go back to “public communication” on the agenda so he was allowed to speak. Mr. Sheldon addressed the following concerns he said the public has brought to his attention:

It is hard to tell when the Port meetings are held, the website should be updated; Hard to get a copy of the minutes, stating the July 9th meeting is not posted on the web; the Commission isn’t giving the public enough information in their minutes, IE-an Exec. Session held to discuss real estate on 6/25/08 and after the Commission came back into regular session, it merely directed the Exec. Director to move forward on the real estate matter as discussed. Mr. Sheldon mentioned the importance of being open with the public. He said Exec Sessions are fine, but the minutes need to be more clear regarding any actions taken thereafter. He continued by stating that there might be a conflict issue that should be dealt with. Mr. Sheldon brought forth a concern regarding the 2008 budget amendment which indicates the Commissioners positions have each increased by $2,000 per year. He finished by telling the Commissioners that they should look up Port statute 53.08.020 regarding acquisition of properties and what kinds of acquisitions they can entertain. Executive Director McEachin asked Mr. Sheldon what he thought should have been included in the minutes of 6/25/08 that wasn’t there. Mr. Sheldon said he didn’t know, but it should be clearer as to what was being done. Mr. McEachin explained he was in negotiations to possibly purchase some property for the Port and would not compromise that negotiation, thus the Exec. Session. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Sheldon for sharing his concerns and Mr. Sheldon left the meeting.


Commissioner Reports (cont):

Commissioner Benavente: Reported on a two day seminar he attended in Chehalis and

left the meeting materials with the Exec. Director for review.


Executive Director Report:

Executive Director McEachin reported that he and the Admin Asst were working with the Accountant to clean up any past monthly budget expenditure area errors. Some items were charged to the incorrect line item. The County no longer does amendments so the Accountant is making the changes on her end for better accountability.


Consent Agenda:


Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the minutes of July 23, 2008. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.


Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve vouchers 8-01, pages 1 and 2 as submitted. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.


Old Business:

Budget Amendment:

Executive Director McEachin read the Resolution by Title.

Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the 2008 Budget Amendment Resolution. Commissioner Hamlin made a second, passed unanimously. In further discussion, Commissioner Wyatt asked that there be a clarification made regarding the budget to reflect that the amount shown for position 1, 2 & 3, Commissioners pay, that this is the maximum that can be expended per year for each Commissioner and is a per diem, not a salary. Each Commissioner is paid only on a per meeting basis.


Ferry Project:

Exec. Director McEachin reported that the State has had no luck getting buyers for the surplus ferries via advertising or E-Bay. He has been told that the Board will possibly now entertain accepting letters of interest regarding purchase. He has written a letter of interest and will update the Commission as that may progress. Exec. Director McEachin also reported that USDA would possibly be interested in assisting the Port with such an acquisition, but they won’t have available funding until 2009.


Port Office Update:

Commissioner Benavente reported that Don LeMaster has resigned as the real estate representative for the Port of Hoodsport and the letter is on file. He further reported that he has signed a Purchase and Sales agreement with Don LeMaster to purchase the property that houses the Port office and 2 others as well as the car wash. The Port will pay half of the appraisal fee via the down payment. The seller must have the septic inspected/pumped and a survey is still outstanding.


New Business:

Hoodsport PDA Zoning Codes:

Commissioner Benavente reported that he and the Exec. Director met with the PDA and there was discussion regarding UGA re-designation. The Exec. Director will attend all further meetings as the Port representative. They will be looking at the Mason County map to see what potential changes, if any, might be possible.



Executive Director McEachin copied each Commissioner on letters he had written regarding surplus ferries, fish and wildlife issue of shrimp/crab seasons, and a letter to Marine Floats regarding the lack of bumper guards on the new Port docks.



Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 10:14am



Minutes Approved: August 27, 2008



______________________     ______________________     ______________________

Commissioner Benavente        Commissioner Hamlin             Commissioner Wyatt