July 23, 2008
Call to Order: 9:35am Adjourned: 11:08am
Roll Call: Commissioner Benavente
Commissioner Hamlin
Commissioner Wyatt
Staff Present: Rich McEachin, Exec Director
Terry Veitz, Admin Asst.
Public: George Fisher
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Wyatt made a second, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Hamlin had no report.
Commissioner Wyatt reported that he attended the Kiwanis meeting in which Tom Churchill, Supt. of Hood Canal School Dist. spoke regarding the business partnership program and importance of the next school levy. He also attended the Lilliwaup Community Club potluck dinner in which judicial candidates were present. He attended the WRIA-16 meeting in which goals for the Puget Sound Partnership were updated. He noted his attendance at a Science seminar in Alderbrook and offered to share the information he had received.
Commissioner Benavente reported that he attended a Mason County Commissioner hearing regarding RV regulations. It is being discussed whether park models might be allowed in these areas without additional regulations. The question was asked, if the regulations do allow park models, how might that affect the Port’s new restroom project? Commissioner Benavente mentioned that he thought it was important for someone to monitor the County Commissioner website in order to know what upcoming issues they will be addressing.
Exec. Director McEachin will be monitoring the site and letting the Commission know if there are any issues that might be relevant to the Port.
Executive Director Report:
Exec. Director McEachin reported that he gave a presentation in Olympia regarding a grant for a new restroom at the Port dock. It was a practice run, but he received good input from the Board on additional details to include in the final presentation. He sent a letter to the Lake Cushman Board, asking concurrence for a Port Commissioner to attend their meetings and inviting a member of their Board to attend Port meetings. The deed of transfer for the Trail Park will conclude soon. It has been sent to the Dept. of Forestry for the final details. The previous conditions by State Parks have been removed. He contacted USDA once again in regard to a surplus ferry. The sales are going on EBAY at a minimum bid of $350,000, not including delivery of the vessel or other potential costs. The Exec Director will be sending a letter to propose what the Port of Hoodsport is willing to pay, etc. and see if they can assist in acquisition without going through EBAY. The City of Port Townsend was also interested in acquiring a surplus ferry, but was told that it would take 2 full time employees to maintain it, thus they are no longer interested.
The Exec Director sent a letter detailing the Port’s accomplishments to EAB members and those entities that yet to have representatives on the EAB. The Admin Asst will provide Commissioner Benavente a copy of the current listing of members and entities not yet represented and he will try to make contact with non-represented entities about the EAB and its importance. Lastly, the Exec Director noted that the Port received a reimbursement check for the docks and a check for the pump out.
Consent Agenda:
Minutes: Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the July 9, 2008 minutes. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Vouchers: Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve voucher 7-2, pages 1, 2, & 3, striking the word “recurring”. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Contract Renewal: Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve the 2 year extension of the building lease with Equity Management Group. Commissioner Wyatt made the second, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Exec Director McEachin presented the Commission with recommended budget amendments. He went through the proposed budget changes line by line and explained the reasons for any changes. It was noted that on line 42, Dist. Economic Development Grant was budgeted to offset any potential local community proposals. It could also possibly be used to offset the PDA match. It was further noted that line 69, column E denotes the County’s projected increase in tax revenue and timber tax revenue. Commissioner Benavente mentioned he was not comfortable with the wages/salaries totals and recommended that lines 4, 5, & 6 be increased by $2,000 each. There was a consensus of the Board to increase each line from $7,400 to $9,400. The Exec Director will bring the budget amendments before the Commission in the form of a Resolution. It was also noted that the Port should request a print out from the County to more accurately show what memberships are being paid and what expenses have been paid under miscellaneous. The Admin Assistant will make that request from the County.
New Business:
The Exec Director reported that he received a thank you letter from the contractor who installed the new docks. The Exec Director pointed out that the docks don’t seem to have as nice of an appearance as some others in the area and felt a letter to the contractor regarding their appearance might be in order. There was a consensus of the Commission to have the Exec Director write a letter to the contractor regarding the appearance of the docks they installed.
The Exec Director requested that the Commission approve a request to expend $120.00 for the purpose of providing the Executive Advisory Board with binders and lunch for their retreat in September. Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Recess: At 10:40am, the Commission called for a 10 minute recess.
The Commission went back into regular session at 10:50am
Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to go into Executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss real estate matters. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Executive Session:
The Executive session was held from 10:51am – 11:06
Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to go back into regular session. Commissioner Hamlin made the second, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to move towards acquisition of the Port building from Don LeMaster with a Purchase and Sales agreement, free and clear Title, purchase price of $350,000 or value established by appraisal, whichever is less, $5000.00 earnest money, $50,000 down, 8% interest over 30 years, full payment within 15 years. Commissioner Benavente made the second. Commissioners Benavente and Hamlin voted in favor, Commissioner Wyatt abstained, motion approved.
Commissioner Benavente adjourned the meeting at 11:08am
Minutes Approved: August 13, 2008
________________________ _______________________ ______________________
Commissioner Benavente Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt