June 11, 2008
Call to Order: 9:40am Adjourned: 11:25am
Roll Call: Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin
Commissioner John Wyatt
Staff Present: Rich McEachin, Exec Director
Terry Veitz, Admin Asst.
Public: Chuck Engel
Don LeMaster
Approval of Agenda:
Executive Director McEachin requested that the Commission amend the agenda for the purposes of addressing item #2 under Old Business, then going into Executive Session, and back to regular session. Commissioner Wyatt moved to amend the agenda as requested, Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Chuck Engel addressed the Commission regarding the PDA. He asked that the Commission re-organize it, not disband it. There was discussion regarding the need for
insurance, costs and how it would be paid. The non-profit license has been kept in good order, a small bank account is still held. Other people interested in participating if the PDA were re-organized. Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to re-organize the PDA, leaving the current Charter as is. Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to allow the PDA to use the Port office to hold their monthly meetings. Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Benavente opened the nominations for appointment of a new PDA Director. Commissioner Benavente nominated Don LeMaster for the position of PDA Director. Commissioner Benavente called for any other nominations 3 consecutive times, hearing none. Commissioner Wyatt moved to appoint Don LeMaster as the newly appointed PDA Director, Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Executive Session:
At 10:08am, Commissioner Wyatt moved to go into Executive Session to discuss real estate matters, 2nd was made by Commissioner Hamlin, passed unanimously. Commissioner Benavente said they would be in session for approximately 20 minutes.
Regular Meeting:
The Commission came back into regular session at 10:28am. Commissioner Hamlin moved to have the Executive Director investigate the possibilities of purchasing income producing property. Commissioner Benavente made the 2nd. Commissioner Hamlin and Benavente voted yes, Commissioner Wyatt abstained. The motion passed.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Benavente mentioned that the pump-out has been completed and inspected. The bills are being sorted out to get State reimbursement. Piling restoration is
ongoing. The bid for new piling came in at over $77,000. Commissioner Benavente will be contacting the insurance adjuster to keep the process moving forward.
Commissioner Hamlin had no report.
Commissioner Wyatt mentioned he hoped to have more information regarding WRIA-16 at the next meeting.
Executive Director Report:
Executive Director McEachin noted the following:
The old docks were sold, payment was received/deposited and old docks removed.
State Parks signage is on its way.
Hood Canal Co-Ordinating Council’s membership criteria is very clear with no openings for the Port or other outside agencies.
Financials were received and at the end of April the balance was $385,000. L& I payments were included in the report. Each Commissioner was given a copy of the monthly report for their review.
Consent Agenda:
Commissioner Hamlin moved to approve the minutes with one amendment, correcting the word crap, with crab. Commissioner Wyatt made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the vouchers as submitted, Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Commissioner Benavente noted that he got confirmation from the coin-op company that they would swap out the current machine for a coin unit at no cost to the Port.
New Business:
The Commission discussed the starting time for Port meetings. Executive Director McEachin pointed out that the current schedule of 9:30am for the first meeting of the month and the 5:00pm starting time for the second meeting of the month didn’t seem to fill the purpose any longer. It was also pointed out that other Port Commissions hold their meetings at consistent times. Commissioner Wyatt moved to changed future Port meetings to 9:30am on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously. It was further noted that the Executive Director would notify the newspaper of the change and that the office window contact sheet and information at the library should also be amended.
The Commissioner discussed a new contract with the Maintenance man, which includes giving him the authority to collect moorage and pump-out fees. Commissioner Wyatt moved to approve the contract with R&G Handyman Services, the Executive Director to sign the contract and to include allowing the Maintenance man to collect mooring and pump-out fees and bring to the Port office on a daily basis. Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
The Commission was presented a bid estimate from R& G Handyman Services for water services to the dock. Commissioner Wyatt moved to approve the bid estimate of $305.09 by R& G Handyman Services for water services to the dock. Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
The Commission discussed a Resolution to obtain a CERB grant for a feasibility study on specific Port projects outlined in the Port’s Master Plan. Executive Director McEachin related that we need specific projects that we have control over, like the pier. Commissioner Benavente asked how we can connect with Marine Support facilities, IE a parking lot and pier would fit with Marine Support facilities. Commissioner Wyatt mentioned that a waterfront boardwalk, but they had no property for it. There was a consensus that the specific projects to be included in the study should be a parking lot, bike/pedestrian path, interpretive center, Marine Support facilities, to include a large wharf/pier, waterfront boardwalk and public restrooms. Commissioner Hamlin read the Resolution by Title and then moved to approve the Resolution to do an RFP and move forward with the CERT grant process. Commissioner Wyatt made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Commissioner Wyatt moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:25am. Commissioner Hamlin made the 2nd, passed unanimously.
Minutes Approved: June 25, 2008
_____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Commissioner Benavente Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt