2008, 05 14

Date Published: July 21, 2012



                                               May 14, 2008


Call to order:   9:30 AM                                                           Adjourned:   6:10 p.m.


Roll Call:        Commissioner Frank Benavente

Commissioner Jack Hamlin

Commissioner John Wyatt

Exec Director Rich McEachin



Approval of Meeting Agenda


Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the meeting agenda of May 14, 2008. Seconded by Commission Hamlin. Passed unanimously.




Chuck Bevens, from the Lake Cushman Board of Directors was introduced.  Chuck spoke of his concern regarding the water level of Lake Cushman would reportedly be reduced by 10 feet this summer. His concerns were that the Fire Boat would be unable to get into the water and if it could find a way, it couldn’t get out. He was told the Port was not interested in getting involved by someone at one of the meetings. He feels the Port should do whatever it could to stop this action since they are the only entity to represent the area to the federal government.  He concluded by asking that the Port do what it can to stop this and suggested the Port do a survey to find out how the citizens of Lake Cushman feel about the Port.


Commissioners thanked Chuck for his concerns and for bringing the matter before the Commission. It was suggested that maybe a commissioner needed to start attending the Cushman board meetings.


USDA representatives Gayle Hoskison and Carlotta Donisi were introduced. Each spoke about programs where the USDA may be able to help the Port with Capital Projects. They spoke about grants being the smallest part of what they do and that they mostly guarantee loans for long periods at reduced interest rates for entities.


It was agreed that Director McEachin would keep in contact with the USDA once we prioritized our needs and where we were headed for possible funding. It was stated that it was always a good idea if we were to get everyone at the table that will be involved in any project so everyone knows where everyone else stands and what each is to do.


Ron Burgess, Port’s maintenance person, was introduced.


Commissioners Reports


Commissioner Wyatt spoke about the WIRA 16 was finishing up with their projects soon which will be submitted to the partnerships.

Commissioner Hamlin had no report.

Commissioner Benavente spoke about the upcoming retreat and that Barbara Levette would join us, as well as Don LaMaster, Tom Young, and Senator Shelton.


Executive Directors Report


Mr. McEachin spoke of the pay for the Commissioners. Apparently the past Administrative Assistant paid the Commissioners a direct wage without submitting same to the bookkeeper to remove taxes, etc. It was explained that the taxes, etc from the last distribution would be made up on the next payments to the Commissioners.


Consent Agenda



Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the minutes from April 23, 2008 meeting; Seconded by Commissioner Hamlin: Passed unanimously.



Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the payment of the vouchers as submitted; seconded by Commissioner Hamlin; passed unanimously.





Old Commission Business






New Business


1.   Imprest Account: Director McEachin reported that it was important to have an in-house petty cash account to do the day to day business of the Port. Many times we have to buy stamps, coffee, cups, folders, etc. and to pay for those items out of pocket and get reimbursed is not efficient. Mr. McEachin presented a resolution to address this need and read the resolution by title. Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the resolution as presented; seconded by Commissioner Hamlin; passed unanimously.


2.   Commissioner Benavente spoke about the need to have someone locally making sure that the boats moored at our dock were actually paying. Also, collection of the money from the new pump-out needed to be collected in a timely manner. He suggested that our current maintenance person, Ron Burgess, be a person to do those things as he was on site many days of the week doing maintenance. All commissioners felt this was a good idea.


Director McEachin was directed to draft a new contract for Mr. Burgess including those items and present it to the Commission. Also, to look into what requirements a maintenance man needed to work on our property (i.e.: license, bond, insurance, etc).


Ron Burgess felt it was important to have a hose bib on the dock itself and was directed to come back to the Commission with a proposal, including costs, to do same.


3.   Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to approve the presented contract for the new Admin Assistant. Commissioner Hamlin 2nd the motion. Motion approved unanimously.


4.   Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to authorize Director to

Contract with the new Admin Assistant on behalf of the Port, since

the Admin Asst would answer to and work for the Director.  Motion was 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. Motion passed unanimously.


5.   Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to sign the new agreement with Mason County regarding making improvements to Foothill Park. Motion was 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. Motion passed unanimously.




Executive Session






Motion was made by Commissioner Wyatt to adjourn the meeting at 11:28 AM. 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. Meeting Adjourned.



Minutes Approved 5/28/08:



_______________________              ____________________        __________________

Commissioner Benavent                     Commissioner Hamlin Commissioner Wyatt