April 9, 2008
Call to order: 9:30 am Adjourned: 12:00pm
Roll Call: Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin
Commissioner John Wyatt
Richard W. McEachin, Executive Director
Tiffany Clowes, Administrative Assistant
Introduction of Guests:
Executive Director Report:
Ø Richard has implemented a new format for the Port of Hoodsport Business Agenda and Minutes Agenda. He also reports he has issued a press release to the Mason County Journal. He is working towards development of Grants for Restrooms. The State of Washington Recreational Grant is willing to except our grant proposal. Richard will draft a letter to the County asking for the same commitments given to Port of Allyn.
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve Minutes from last meeting,” Motion was 2nd by Commissioner Wyatt. Motion was approved unanimously.
Approval of Vouchers
Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to “Approve voucher for April 9, 2006”.Motion was 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. The motion was approved unanimously”
Agenda Changes
Action Item #1 – Dock Repair – Marine Floats is to complete the project by the first week of May, 2008. The Port of Hoodsport has issued a check in the amount of $45,528.00 which is 50% of the contracted cost.
Action Item #2 – Pump out Project – A 1500 gallon tank will be put in along with an electrical conduit that will service the restrooms. We need approval on additional costs of no more that $500.00 for the cost of the electrical conduit. Commissioner Wyatt entered a motion to approve these costs. The motion was 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. The motion was approved unanimously.
Action Item # 3 – Office Furniture Response from Sunrise Motel – The Sunrise Motel has accepted our offer of $3,950.00.
Action Item # 4 – Commissioners Retreat – Richard McEachin created an Agenda for the Commissioners Retreat and presented to the Board of Commissioners. Richard will also facilitate the Commissioners Retreat and find a location to hold the retreat. Commissioner Benavente suggested adding the Port’s history to that agenda. McEachin agreed to do so. Commissioner Wyatt entered a motion to approve the Commissioners Retreat Agenda. The motion was 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. This motion was approved unanimously.
Action Item #5 – Resolution R08-01 – A resolution for establishing procedures for sale of Surplus Property was presented by Richard McEachin. Commissioner Wyatt entered a motion to approve the Resolution. Commissioner Hamlin 2nd the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion Items
Item # 1 – Correspondence
ØRichard will review and prioritize the incoming mail before Tiffany Clowes presents to the Board of Commissioners.
Commissioners Reports
Ø Commissioner Benavente reports that the County is moving forward in grants available for trail maps. They are also trying to create trails that connect through the Green Dimond property up to the Steel Bridge; this would create more tourism for our county.
Adjourned at 12:00 PM