2008, 03 26

Date Published: July 21, 2012

MARCH 26, 2008

Call to order: 5:00 p.m. Adjourned: 8:00 p.m.

Roll Call:     Commissioner Frank Benavente
Commissioner Jack Hamlin
Commissioner John Wyatt
Administrative Assistant Tiffany Clowes

Introduction of Guests:
Richard W. McEachin Sr.

Key discussion points were:

Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Hamlin made a motion to approve Minutes from last meeting,” Motion
was 2nd by Commissioner Wyatt. Motion was approved unanimously.

Approval of Vouchers
Commissioner Wyatt made a motion to “Approve voucher for March 26, 2008”.Motion
was 2nd by Commissioner Hamlin. The motion was approved unanimously”

Agenda Changes
Action Item #1- Commissioner Wyatt motioned the approval of hiring contract for the
Executive Director which was given to Richard W. McEachin Sr. with one amendment to
the contract: The amendment was to add under Exhibit A that Richard would search for
all grants not just those related to the Capital Improvement Project. Commissioner
Hamlin 2nd the motion. This action item was approved unanimously.

                    Action Item # 2 – The Dock Replacement has been approved by our insurance company.
Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to accept Marine Floats Dock Proposal as
amended. Commissioner Hamlin 2nd the motion. This action item was approved

                    The Commission would like the contract to state the following changes:
#1 Will Marine Floats recoat the pilings?
#2 The Commission would like to know who was going to reimburse us for the
permits. Either our insurance company or Marine Floats?
#3 To clarify in the contract with Marine Floats the “Zero Down and 100% paid
upon completion.”

                    On Tuesday April 1, 2008 Marine Floats and Huston Excavating will come together in
Tacoma, Washington and begin construction of Dock. I was agreed that Frank and
Richard will attend this meeting.
Action Item # 3 – Commissioner Wyatt made the motion to award the Pump out contract
to Huston Excavating. Commissioner Hamlin 2nd the motion. This action was approved

                    Action Item # 4 – Derelict Vessel – The vessel which was tied up to the dock has now
disappeared. No further action for this item is noted.

                    Action Item # 5 – Office Furniture – There was a sealed bid given to Sunrise Motel. We
are waiting for a response from the Sunrise Motel.

Discussion Items

                    Item # 1-Response Letter from Applicant
The Executive Director will draft a letter and have the Administrative Assistant
send it out to all applicants under her signature.

                    Item # 2-Commissioner Retreat
Richard McEachin, the new Executive Director will set up a date for a retreat and
draft an agenda for the same and present it at the next’s POH meeting.

                    Item # 3-Executive Director Priorities
Commissioner Wyatt suggested that Richard McEachin will research our office
files and he will be given a to do list by the Commissioner at every POH meeting.
Commissioner Benavente suggested that Richard McEachin attend the following
meetings: Alderbrook Resort on April 2-4, 2008 and a spring meeting at the Vancouver
Hilton on May 14-15, 2008.

                    Item # 5-Correspondence
Marine Exchange of Puget Sound, Soliciting Pacific Northwest Ports

                    Mayors Office City of Bremerton; Invitation for the Urban Waterfront
Revitalization Conference Hosted by the City of Bremerton
Security Services; Detailing services
Certificate of Liability Insurance for our Small Works Roaster
Washington Ports; Invitation to Conference
Economic Development Council: Renewing our EDC Membership for

Commissioners Plan Next Regular Agenda
The following items will be on our next agenda.
Dock Repair/ Contract Recommendations
Pump Out Project
Office Furniture
Executive Director’s Report
Resolution disposing of surplus property

Adjourned a 8:00 p.m.
___________________ _______________________ ______________________
Commissioner Benavente         Commissioner Wyatt                 Commissioner Hamlin